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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. toast21602


    yup. find something else to do. i am still content golfing, mountain biking, and running outside enjoying the weather the best that i can until mother nature's dandruff falls.
  2. you weigh more than 200lbs.
  3. wow, so many panties in bunches. we need snow, plain and simple.
  4. thank god i've been golfing and biking or else i would be upset with the weather too. find something else to do.
  5. wow looks much better. good job Blue.
  6. Take pictures next time for those of us who can't get u p there anytime soon
  7. great to hear. thanks for the report. nice to see them making positive changes to the place. i'm excited to see what the joint looks like on opening day at the top lodge!
  8. nice man. run it next year. i'll do it with you. come to the philly marathon next sunday and cheer me on haha.
  9. you running it man?! i hope so!
  10. well that's pretty wild. never knew. as much as it doesn't seem like something i would be interested in, it looks like it was a good marketing move for K2.
  11. wasteful.
  12. see ya there!
  13. saturday works for me.
  14. parents. not him. nothing wrong with wine, though.
  15. start a diet thread!
  16. i wish there was a 'like' button... like facebook.
  17. nice moe... i'm a little jealous. take pics for sure.
  18. might actually be interested in that jeff.
  19. he doesn't drive.
  20. even if he is blind.
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