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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. yeah i do... but every concussion makes it easier to get the next. so, after 5 concussions, the 6th came pretty easily. unfortunately. i might have to retire from park skiing.
  2. thaaaaanks molly. nice meeting you for a split second.
  3. got concussed. just got home from the hospital. stoke! at least i won $1g last night...
  4. 16gig piece.
  5. you got it.
  6. ahhhhhh yeah. do it and get that thing out tomorrow to test it!
  7. yessir get yourself a gopro.
  8. well, better than nothing
  9. yessir!
  10. you know Easter is still a week away...
  11. ding ding ding.
  12. yeah thats what i thought. i knew phase 1 was funded...
  13. you need to find another chick so you can do the womens only and have a better chance. this site is dude-central (unfortunately).
  14. you know they already started building this, right? i can see it from my bathroom window.
  15. i'm thinking about doing the same. camelback for sure.
  16. well hot diggity my name is kevin thomas as well! we would make a swell team. this malfunction of the interweb might benefit us both!
  17. o m g
  18. great times.
  19. i'll probably be there on saturday.
  20. awesome season at Blue. the best i/they have ever had. sucks that you missed out on it by going friday nights and moaning about lockers.
  21. i guess i'll park down there tomorrow.
  22. so many thread hijackers here.
  23. i'll be there.
  24. false.
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