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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. the multiple stair combinations are going to be where the pipe was. its being filled in as we speak.
  2. loving it. hopefully that starts back here soon.
  3. i enjoyed that. haha nice. Wallisch was rocking one of those shirts too.
  4. the airbag is stupid and should only be used to catch the idiots who fall off the lift and make it stop. on second thought, let them get hurt and let the lift keep going.
  5. if it was the entire trail i would be there. 1/4 of the trail with a few rails scattered around hundreds of highschoolers is not my cup of tea.
  6. i only work until 3 on saturday... what is going on in Philly? you better not be going down to AC...
  7. yeah it would. Blue needs to listen up here.... we know they lurk.
  8. thats true. heck, even some of the bigger parks out there scare me and i love to ride park.
  9. i'm sorry Nick, i was out of town until today and was unaware of the banning. please disregard my stab at TTC6, as i was not up to date on his situation. for that, i will give the negative rep you were going to give me, right back to you.
  10. i would like to check it out, but i'm too busy humping Blue's leg. sorry guys.
  11. anyway... Blue has 3 more portable fan guns that they are allowing the park crue to use for getting the park set up this year. hopefully it opens up pretty quickly. stoked on that.
  12. there was a time when you weren't even alowed to jump and you got your pass pulled if you did. times change, things change. this is 2009. that wasnt part of the pump line, obviously.
  13. i started this thread for people to see what was happening at Blue.... not to complain about the parks and what trail they are on. if you have something to contribute about the new things starting up at Blue, then contribute. if not, don't comment.
  14. i <3 pasr
  15. is this the beer league race thing?
  16. worst feature ever. goes down right with the crackerbarrel.
  17. those are from 2 years ago. here are a few of them building the park last year, if it gives you guys out west a better idea of what the most recent park at Blue has looked like while being built and groomed out to open. the 40+ days that i skied the park when it was open last year it was usually maintained extremely well. of course, i was usually there during off-peak times such as weekday/weekend mornings, and day sessions when there wasn't much traffic, and when they were building it to try out the jibs. so my opinion may be skewed compared to those who can't make it during prime times, yet still accurate.
  18. no, the 4 jump line was all on the second of 3 straight sections. no turns involved in the jump line.
  19. nick, since you have been there it has greatly improved and i think you would be impressed compared to the crappy park they had in the past. if you are home this winter you should check it out.
  20. it is true. i saw it myself. and since you are big on the whole "straight run only for a park thing", you will be happy to know that the halfpipe is now going to be a rail garden of some sort with multiple jibs, and its on a stright run. pictures of the features are earlier in the thread so i'm sure you saw them already...
  21. this year they have a winch cat, and we have been told that it will be used to make steeper landings, which will result in making them easier to maintain and less bomb holes.
  22. + stoke on the nice picture made in paint. <3 it molly.
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