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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. Ah. No I haven’t seen anything like that just yet.
  2. Precisely 👌😂
  3. You’re doing it wrong. You’re supposed to be offended that the offensive name is being changed because of the original offense. I think?
  4. Other than naming, of course.
  5. Other than confirmed lights and snow making, no. I’m not sure if there is anything more to know at this point?
  6. I meant to post this yesterday when I saw it. I came across this beautiful blue jay while running that stopped me in my tracks. It’s been a while seen I’ve seen one with such vivid colors and it let me get within a few feet for a picture.
  7. Blue Mountain used to be called Little Gap. Names change.
  8. Wow just wow. The last I saw for this winter around here was 100% chance of weather. Looking forward to it.
  9. Has he ever told anybody he is leaving… ever? He just disappears into the shadows.
  10. Another I saw posted this morning of the LV tug that worked float jobs between LVRR and LIRR.
  11. Some appropriate photos on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  12. I thought this was posted earlier. I feel like I’ve known about that for a while. Maybe it wasn’t. Oh well.
  13. Damn you’re @saltyant about that DG.
  14. Yes, and thank you for them.
  15. https://us10.list-manage.com/survey?u=d00c19b4c6031080b075e0bfc&id=38ed147b15&e=46bb9cf3fe&utm_source=2021%2F2022+SP+Holders&utm_campaign=e15a33b7e9-Snow_Blog_2020_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_50a66be1e1-e15a33b7e9-94309847&mc_cid=e15a33b7e9&mc_eid=46bb9cf3fe
  16. Actually, Shicola Chute would be a nice name to bring back for a new trail...
  17. Everyone has been calling it that since its construction and if they change it people will still call it that. Like people still call "Widow Maker" "Raceway". I wonder how long it took for people to stop calling it "Shicola Chute" before "Raceway" caught on?
  18. Can we just vote to keep it “coming soon”?
  19. You can still take them! Sounds like a great season for you all!
  20. Tiny ants are better than salty ants.
  21. Is this because it took 5 years to complete Razor's Edge, 7 years to make NMDW top to bottom? 6 years for Coming Soon to open for natural snow? infinity years for the Vista Lodge Residency Club? Etc?
  22. Oh wow. Last I heard the new pilot @saltyant was going to transport guests between sites.
  23. 28-29 season.
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