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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. give it to mike.
  2. i'm stoked for you man. good work.
  3. are we all stoked on it? i hope these "new features" are ice long flat bars, single barrel handrails that dont have ghetto urban lips, and nothing that can be found at a museum as a sculpture like the infamous "Crackerbarrel"
  4. what shop?
  5. seems like a waste of money to me. but at least they are making improvements in some shape/form
  6. the poll is over
  7. hahahaahahah. yes. this is true.
  8. agree.
  9. how about you children both stop ruining a thread with your petty bickering, again. thanks.
  10. i wish he was around. i have tons of respect for that guy, probably more than anybody else on this site. (no offense)
  11. and thats pretty much all you need to say. i'd stop there.
  12. i would love to ski with hitler
  13. awesome. i'm stoked for you to have experienced that... and very jealous.
  14. i thought you were done with this site, larry? haha
  15. those are only good for shotskis.
  16. toast21602

    $19,000 skis

    aw man. i just bought you a pair for your bar just for being a good PASR friend. damn.
  17. i went yesterday too.
  18. true. but their snow quality from january to middle of february was perfect. once the temps start to get aabove freezing for the majority of he day they suck at making snow. once they learn to blow snow better at warmer temps it will be 10x better.
  19. i agree, as much as i like to ski the pipe right after one of the 2 days a year that they cut it...
  20. toast21602

    $19,000 skis

    TTC6 told me he has a custom snowboard that was made by them, for him. $25,482.76. no lie. it has Doug's picture on the base and PASR plastered on the top.
  21. looks similar to Chris' set-up in his back yard. i think i would prefer his though since he usually gets snow for it
  22. going back out with whistler with kt justo and trev
  23. if people think that the only thing to do in PA is ski park then you either suck or aren't looking for anything else.
  24. you mean again... since we skied there together last year and had a grand ole' time. (dont tell Jeff, though, he might get jealous)
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