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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. i'm just going for at least 70 days this year.... we'll see how that goes.
  2. they arent going to be able to open for dec. 1st. not the way the weather is now. its very upsetting but i guess i'll have to deal with it.
  3. Blue has one. T*Maki runs it. you can talk to him.
  4. i'm pretty sure Snow has a good program. i wouldn't go to BB or MC... but thats just me.
  5. damn. maybe i'll still go up anyway.
  6. i kinda want to check out Sno one day this year... not just if they have a good pipe. i hear good things about the place. do they have a high-speed lift?
  7. 'lmfao'
  8. yeah i heard it was a sick pipe... i dont know about best in the east, but looks like for sure in the mid-atlantic.
  9. camelbacks pipe sucked last year when i was there with Boyer. it wasn't vert, it looked like it had cancer, and there was no need to have a park pass to ride that piece of shit.
  10. what?!? they can't blow snow when its 40 degrees? damn.
  11. i agree. the sooner the better.
  12. ask Justo about that with the Line 'delaminators' that he had 2 years ago. i dont know how many times those were epoxied and clamped. it was the result of a poorly manufactured ski. oh, and rivots will work too if you have the means to do so.
  13. throw a rail on there and there will be a ton of 'stoke'.
  14. i was just going to post that. they are always all over that site.
  15. haha don't even introduce him to that. he will come back crying like Chippy did when he tried to protect Doug. hahaha
  16. we don't need any more of those around here. i don't think Mike is a sissy though, like Chippy.
  17. yeha 'bro' i'm sure. it doesnt look like anything serious to me.
  18. why am i not seeing anything
  19. if you are skiing at boulder on your first day out it is likely going to happen, which can be seen with the evidence in your flag pictures. coverage was not good up there. i wouldnt have taken out new skis if i had them. mine are staying in my house until we actually get some real snow.
  20. wow that sucks. watch out for rocks.
  21. i could think of a few other reasons why they didn't call you back...
  22. fair enough. you need to get better! gosh. regardless of how much vert you get, you will still be out there skiing and thats all that matters.
  23. hey sib, think you can get 2mil this year? i'd like to see that.
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