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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. @saltyant Sure. are you bringing your GoPro?
  2. we're not all pro like you.
  3. Let's make this a day of kindness.
  4. don't put words in his mouth.
  5. did you get to shovel it?
  6. Maybe next year. Banff is gorgeous.
  7. I have a feeling there is a brewery stop involved here somewhere in this upcoming report.
  8. Still snowing here too. It looks to be almost over. Hard to tell what totals were from the storm because a lot of yesterday's snow compressed with the sleet and wet snow today. Wouldn't be surprised if it is around ~8"
  9. There are a lot of good routes off trail at blue. Some that are really creative. I’d just caution anything on a bike trail because of the berms and rollers get pretty rocky and are know to bump and grind your ski bases. The snow and base that is there now might be okay, though. It’s pretty dense and everything that is falling today is super wet base making snow. Fingers crossed for Monday...
  10. I’m interested.
  11. You should just go.
  12. Gotta pick your way through a line on that and if there is somebody in the way it just ruins the whole thing. As a park it is great, but it doesn't have the same skiability that sidewinder did with features.
  13. Buoy pop for Monday is looking more promising as of today. Could be the end to this nice winter streak that we have enjoyed from what I am seeing. Nothing crazy, but could be around another ~6". Just something to keep an eye on...
  14. following.....
  15. Stfu.
  16. This is the best outdoor venue yet.
  17. The radar keeps on backfilling in this band that is coming through our area. I imagine it will snow most of the morning for you and be just as good as yesterday.
  18. BM drive looks way better today than yesterday when leaving. That got a little spicy for some cars in front of me on the way out.
  19. Should be way better than dust on crust. Everything from yesterday should have groomed in nicely. I imagine same crowds as yesterday to start but this weekend will be slammed.
  20. About 1” fell overnight here.
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