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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Wow and I thought the Kia in front of me going 38 in a 40'was annoying
  2. Don't push my buttons bro..I take this sort of thing seriously as the Unofficial stats manager. Double dip sessions still count as one ski day. You can't ski two days in one day that's absurd..but if you ski two different resorts in one day you can log it in as two separate visits for stats..
  3. Land blue mountain and Jackson hole webcams and sometimes abasin and big sky and Mount Mik
  4. When ever I upgrade my iPhone the people at the AT&T store are hella impressed. I haven't had home internet in years..and have had unlimited data forever and I like iPhones better than computers...I'm sometimes on wifi at work but watch like 6 YouTube shows daily at least 10-15 minutes each and whatever else I want and PASR, Facebook, local news, weather and looking for a wife preferably from Russia or the Ukraine..lol just kidding..kinda sorta..
  5. When I was a paper boy back in the early to mid 90s I'd get about $400-$600 in tips at xmas. I would walk around door to door with calendars from the morning call and most tipped me $5-$10 some $20-$50 some zero or two dollars.
  6. This looks like a pretty good deal this Thursday FYI
  7. That's what my dad has and he loves it. It's almost like an SUV
  8. I'll probably wait until next summer for the iPhone X it looks sick.
  9. Some people were skiing the woods to the right of upper switchback.way to get after it!!
  10. We met a parking lot attendant who was also a snow maker as well..we thanked him for his good work..
  11. Hey All, I'm back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. There was about 1/2" of new snow when I began my drive at 6:48am and the drive up took at least 10 minutes longer due to slow mofos on the road. Arrived at the bottom lot at 730am and the temperature was in the low teens with a steady snowfall. In the house today were Atomic Jeff, tickle me Toast, JFDan, Slim, Ryan, Indiggio, MBike Mike, Matt edge and many others. First run I skied challenge while the others skied Razors. Challenge was untracked except for some cross tracks done by the ski patrol in avalanche mitigation efforts. Second run was sidewinder and it was sa weet with large swatchs of pow pow. Next run everybody but me did nightmare to dreamweaver and I did Razors edge just as they were closing it for race training and Razors was sweet and I did my first razorback of the season. That run reaffirmed that today was a real deal PA powder day. Switchback was good..don't tell anybody..x-Ing was dust on crust but still good and challenge got icy quick. This morning was like skiing in a snowglobe and it was warmer with temperatures rising through the teens. First hour skied seven runs, second hour skied six runs, third hour had some troegs and weyerbacher beers. Missed the red chair a few times today..JFDan had some heat from us via his propane tank and some Xmas cookies as well. I'll be back tomorrow AM enjoying some more December skiing and I heard conditions are gonna be Grrr ate
  12. Maybe this mornings snow will delay the crowds a little bit. Roads aren't bad a little slick.
  13. You should just get an iPhone with unlimited date. They're awesome.
  14. That's false..Atomic Jeff and toast ski faster than me on certain runs and indiggio and Ryan have passed me many times
  15. Blue wouldn't care if you built a bonfire in the lower lot. They'd probably sell you a bag of marshmellows for $8
  16. Did you ever play football? It's like being tackled..if you go faster than everybody else you don't have to worry about anybody hitting you from behind.
  17. Do you really have a track phone with very limited data??
  18. Did you hit 50mph today. I can't ski those speeds without goggles.
  19. I wear contacts when I ski and when I go out to bars..otherwise wear glasses when I drive and often nothing just around my room or at work where everything is basically within arms reach if my arms were 15 feet long.
  20. Salty what do you do in the lodge if you don't eat in there??
  21. Worth bringing the grill as there will be a lot of PASRs in the house...NMSki,Me TP4, Toast, Ryan, JFDan, Atomic Jeff and some others. I guess it's never too cold to grill.
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