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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. eaf are you gonna be at Blue tomorrow morning? We should meet up for some runs.
  2. It's just barely cold enough to blow..don't worry they'll be blasting the snowguns the rest of the week...
  3. I saw a whole crew vigorously shoveling the 3/4" of slop outside the upper lodge on the webcam at around 5:45am. If the six pack isn't up and running it's gonna be a holiday week from hell. I really hope they don't need a part from Slovenia 🇸🇮
  4. Yeah you have impact like somebody farting in a crowded elevator.
  5. Thanks!!! Anyway I guess I should get out of bed..have my dad cook me breakfast and then drive back to Allentown...gonna be a cold week at Blue mountain the true mountain
  6. Do you mainly road bike or also mountain bike? That's impressive. I figured you were one of those skinny guys who can eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce based on your Chinese buffet reports.
  7. They had a half pipe where Central Park is currently located for many years..they'd hire a crew from out of the area to design it and they had a Zaag pipe groomer that they barely ever used.. camelback actually used to have two halfpipes and one season Montage built a super pipe for a competition.
  8. I saw him ski..the app isn't accurate..I do think he may have hit 40mph on Main Street..
  9. Gotcha my dad wakes up at 4:45am all bright eyed and bushytailed..he's just like you has a lot of nervous energy..when I wake up I just wanna SUJOPO!!!
  10. Merry Christmas try adderall and you slept in today!!!
  11. I'll leave my skis unattended when I go to the bathroom..that's about it..in Jackson hole I mooch off atomics jeffs lock and lock my skis with his..on other ski trips I only use upper mountain lodges to eat. Amazing how many people leave $600-$1000 skis unlocked when they go into a bar or restaurant for an hour or two 100 yards from the skier drop off...lots and lots of broke dirtbags in western ski towns..
  12. I used to think I was the shit in college cause I'd use a gummy stone and rub on wax on my skis in the dorm hallway..I've never hot waxed myself and I have way over 1,000 lifetime ski days. Ive also never used an iron on clothes..if stuff is wrinkled I steam up the bathroom to get wrinkles out..
  13. Thank you can't wait to be back at Blue Tuesday and Jackson holio in a month!!! I read everything I'm like my favorite Depeche Mode song..I just can't get enough!!!
  14. Yes tuning skis is a zen like experience for you with beer and podcasts. I'm gonna give my skis to Atomic Jeff to tune soon.
  15. Enjoy you must have a kid below age 7 lol merry xmas or if you are muslim happy Ramadan in advance.
  16. I don't believe you were going 50mph on Main Street those apps are not accurate. I'll try to borrow a radar gun or just purchase one this season..fastest I've gone is above 80mph at Jackson hole for sure...that's scary fast 60-65mph is comfortable fast cruising for me out west..mid to high 50s at Blue..I hit 64mph on razors the radar gun day on razors. Atomic Jeff hit 74mph..
  17. Well we had a snowboarder with us the one year and my Montana friend Tom is slow as fuck he doesn't really know how to ski hardpack or groomers just chop and pow pow. Big sky is cool..they're off to a good start..there's a good thread on the Teton gravity research forums that is devoted to southwest Montana. Indiggio should go to Jackson hole..if I paused for a split second he'd fly past me..I could see Indiggio catching major air off some of the cat tracks...he'd fly higher than a kite on crazy glue.
  18. I've smoked with my dad a few times and my mom once..they know it's pretty benign and not as harmful as tobacco or alcohol. Most born before 1946 or so are anti weed..they were already full on grown ups when the hippie times happened so they didn't get into weed but did enjoy wearing leisure suits, having fat mulletchops and doing the hustle.
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