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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. That's sweet that you are getting new skis this weekend. You should try to haggle for the Volkys
  2. After 4-5 years your boots might end up losing enough plastic to affect binding performance if you are skiing 50 days a season but by then you'll need new boots anyway. They sell ski trax to clip into the bottom of your boots if that's a big deal to you. Atomic Jeff has custom boots that were like $1500 so he uses them..
  3. You either get a locker or you put the bag back in your car. I think people mainly pot up in the lodge because they like to boot up in warmth, not because it's a pain to walk 100 yards in ski boots. For most skiers walking in ski boots is no big deal..heck some hike in them.
  4. It's ok I'll let it slide...thanks SallyAnne!!
  5. I think you skied both BC and Blue in the same day last season.
  6. I would just have my skis over one shoulder and my poles under my armpit and boots in other hand. Most boots have a little strap/handle at the top of the tongue.
  7. Where do you put your shoes when you boot up in the lodge? You can get a pack for your boots.
  8. Moose are Herbivores they only eat plants but due to their enormous size and speed they can easily kill somebody.
  9. Salty said it hit 48 today in Palmerton must be a microclimate.
  10. The temperature is dropping fast. Could be some good overnight snowmaking!!
  11. A pair of skis and a pair of poles?? You know they sell ski totes on eBay!!! Then you won't be this guy.
  12. Two problems here. No helmet and she goes slow..good song though.
  13. You know I could have just given you a strike two but I don't want to enable your reckless behavior. You don't have to stop for the deer just ski around it..downhill skier/rider or wildlife has the right of way. Remember that. Wait till you come to Jackson hole with us. There are moose on the slopes.
  14. It definitely didn't get that warm. That's the forecast not weather observations.
  15. You wouldn't be toast the deer would be toast and you know if you are skiing too fast to avoid a deer or person then you are out of control and for that I'll have to give you four giant Dings....Ding Ding Ding Ding wait why would you be Toast..that's just weird. There's only one Toast lol
  16. I don't believe that. It only hit 45 in Allentown and Eaf said it was starting to soften a little early afternoon. With the low sun angle and north facing mountain low 40s(im guessing mainly upper 30s on the mountain) with little sunshine doesn't do much. If it was March it would be an entirely different story.
  17. You have the entire season to use them you'll be fine.
  18. SaltyAnt hit 49.6 mph on marjies. That has to be a record.
  19. http://articles.mcall.com/2011-03-18/news/mc-pa-sands-casino-found-money-20110318_1_slot-machine-casinos-finders-keepers
  20. Yeah money or chips abandoned on a casino floor is the property of the casino..same with money left in the machines.
  21. I don't blame you $1 is worth such a small amount of money. My sister only gives my niece $1 when she loses a tooth which I think is cheap her friend agreed with me as well.
  22. I've only found a $50 once. I've found $20s several times. My mom once found a wad of $20s and back in the late 40s my grandfather was in New York City and found a $100 bill in the lobby of an office building. He checked the entire building looking to see if anybody had lost the money and he was distraught to keep it. If I saw a $100 bill anywhere on the ground I would step on that mofo if people were around and pretend to tie my shoe before retrieving it.
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