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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I didn't see it. If Tarpon was there I probably had already quit already lol. I've spotted money from the lift at Blue several times and retrieved it all but one time when some kid got to it at the same time and I let him have the $5.
  2. Me and TP4 often find money. I've found money many places including Blue mountain ski area. I've found every bill except a $100 bill.
  3. I'm surprised you didn't remember where you dropped your gift card and look for it. It's only $5 you probably make that in 10-15 minutes.
  4. You have an hour and a half of more skiing. Next time take your own car.
  5. I think it's nice that TP4 isn't the only African American on the slopes anymore.
  6. Bahahahaha that was hilarious. I'm surprised you didn't put that away in your wallet. I lost my key card to my hotel room once and got a new one at the front desk and the next day I came to work and it was on the grass by my car..I was shake shake shaking my Herman.
  7. Sheesh it looks like these guys got into Enjorales drink stash. Nice of Blue to promote tailgating through.
  8. OMG a skeet spot..they should shut the mountain down.
  9. Mixilplix do you get bored with the short runs at BC?
  10. Dont scare SaltyAnt or he won't go skiing tomorrow night.
  11. I don't think the two food trucks are gonna sell much. Just my prediction.
  12. Nice report. Indiggio are you off work this week?
  13. Blue is having a great season so far and there's snow in the forecast for late tomorrow night and for Xmas.
  14. Sugar sugar. What's cool about you momskeez is that even if conditions are bad you put in decent sessions.
  15. Make your turns in the sugar piles. Anyway icy death is just a pseudonym for when it gets warm and gets cold again. Did you get your skis sharpened this season..I didn't.
  16. Tomorrow night should be fine. You don't ski mashed potatoes, icy conditions or in the rain. Wow just wow. Remember we're in PA the conditions are often less than ideal.
  17. Will be back to icy death lol..ice is nice..speed is good..dress like an astronaut..JADIP
  18. Blue is saying packed powder conditions today. How is that possible..they must have used the fluffer attachment on the groomers today.
  19. Nah Jackson hole has some beginner terrain on the bottom 400 vertical feet..amphitheater which is their easiest blue is the same steepness as razors edge and about triple as wide.
  20. How much did it snow in Vermont. Sounds like you got to ski deep pow pow.
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