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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I rationalize spending as well. I believe I spent about $2500 last April for a week in Colorado..airfare, parking, rental car, lift tickets, lodging and food and drink. I figure if I had been home that week I still would have spent at least a couple hundred.
  2. Easily $2,000 for you but if you weren't spending it on skiing you'd probably spend it on hookers and blow I know I would.
  3. Yeah Taco Bell aint cheap 🌮 Especially if you're like me and like a good variety.
  4. Do lap dancing but I've seen two grown men scissor dancing in the lower lot at Blue..
  5. I spend about $7,000 per season on skiing..mainly on two trips out west per season(maybe three this season) and also blue season pass and random equipment even googles these days are $100-$150
  6. When you come with us to Jackson hole you can room with atomic jeff to save a few bucks and pack food from the free breakfast in your pockets for a free lunch.
  7. Some who complain that skiing is too expensive drop $40-$50 at the bar and $100 on tickets to the eagles game or concerts like nothing. Did you know a one day lift ticket to Jackson hole is $130 and they're only open from 9am-4pm
  8. How much longer did the drive home take. I feel your pain it took me 35 minutes to get to blue instead of 30 minutes due to a gaper delay on 22 and heavy traffic on 145.
  9. Saltyant what made you want to try skiing??
  10. Most people I skied with when I was a kid no longer ski..family/careers/lack of $$$ or lack of interest got in the way. Most of my Allentown friends don't ski or if they do it's like once a season. Amazing how many people who have gear go an entire season without skiing..life is way way too short for that.
  11. They match his bikini briefs 👙
  12. I'm glad you like PASR..PASR has been very good for my skiing. I'd still ski a lot without PASR but I know I ski more because of it. If not for PASR and all the cool people to ski with and enjorales grilling in the lot I'd probably party rock Saturday night and sleep late Sunday and miss out on an Epic day at Blue.
  13. Did Jar Jar Binks make an appearance??
  14. Carpooling from the BMDI lot is the pro move and you definitely seem like the millionaire next door type You know they sell just the lucky charms marshmellows now.
  15. If the rockered tip was flapping in the air then that skier wasn't skiing very well â›·
  16. Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate Blue has a double diamond open now.
  17. Nice Camelback has their first black diamond open only three weeks later than blue.
  18. Margies is like a mini version of Main Street.
  19. I like rap music, trains and dancing
  20. 6 pack won't get too crowded it's early season. If the 6 pack was open during last Sunday's shitstorm there'd be zero lift lines.
  21. I'm way colder doing errands around town in my khaki pants, polo shirt and light jacket than when I ski on the coldest days. I think I need to buy a winter jacket since it could be an actual cold winter. For years I just would wear a hoodie or fleece
  22. Like 17 years ago I was stuck on the lift at sugarbush for an hour and a half and at the top they gave me a voucher for a free cocoa and it was like 60 degrees out so I had to wheel and deal in the cafeteria for a soda instead lol
  23. How was the snow on homestretch? Was it smooth? Sometimes homestretch is all mini rollers and whoop dee dos when it opens.
  24. Thats cool that you got to take the shuttle. I would have just driven to the top in my skis boots.
  25. Who is Hayata? New poster here?? I noticed early on that nobody was skiing to the 6-pack and homestretch still had fresh cord at 930. Nice report!!!
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