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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Years ago me and Atomic Jeff closed switchback and we had the run to ourselves a few times before patrol opened it back up.
  2. It says on their Facebook page. More than Camelback.
  3. Bahahahaha I only got a 1260 on the SATs..and I did a lot better on the Math portion.
  4. Ditch the t shirt layer.on cold day..id go underarmor, mid layer like a thin fleece, puffy and jacket...I'm puffy enough so don't need a puffy but it works well with thin folks.
  5. Wow you don't wanna get frostbite. Five layer player right there..my man!!!
  6. I was working on my bullet tuck for the first time this season on lazy
  7. How many layers are you wearing? I was super comfortable last night.
  8. No lollipops for SaltyAnt because he stays sucker free
  9. Wow you might be the first PASR to ride the poconos fastest six pack.
  10. I thought the camel was gonna have 17 runs open..wow at least Marijies is open. That's their most famous run
  11. I believe Saturday. Thought you were there today.
  12. Blue is opening 7 more trails for the weekend!!
  13. Please dont🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Toast has sand in his vagina
  14. I didn't write a report last night because I needed to get ready for karaoke so I'll write one now. Hey All, I'm back from a fun night session at Blue mountain the true mountain..their 9th day operating this season and also my 9th day skiing. I arrived at the upper lot at 6:37pm and was rocking out to Jagged Edge featuring Nelly, Where the Party At. Atomic Jeff was already there and there were maybe 100 cars in the upper lot. The temperature was in the lower 20s with moderate winds. First run on vista to midway to lower Main Street was nice..not the icy death I was expecting. Lazy was very pleasant as well although the last two turns are a little bit spicy. GahSkier George skied with us the first hour or so and PARidge joined us about a half hour into our session and SaltyAnt skied with us the last few runs. SaltyAnt was a better skier than I expected. He a low intermediate and fairly fast..he was making some nice poll plants. The only semi bad conditions were on upper Main Street which was mini death cookies but as smooth as death cookies could be and then a snowfun would blast you in the face halfway down Main Street. We also saw some kids start skiing under the Main Street chair off of come around and get yelled at by a ski patroller. Honestly there should be a rope there..there have been in years past. I stopped skiing just before 9pm had two beers in the lot with Atomic Jeff and snow started to fall..high tailed it home..shaved shit and showered and was at Karaoke singing Coolios fantastic voyage and having my hair messed up by some 22 year old chick..YOLO
  15. Sweet between that and the gift card Salty can buy some chicken fingers and then we can listen to him complain that they were mediocre lol
  16. I was laughing hard about this lol...
  17. Looks like great conditions in southern Vermont.
  18. It's gonna be hardpack and ice tonight don't worry. The new snow is almost melted.
  19. I really believe it is real unfortunately
  20. Atomic Jeff was on his slalom skis last night and was loving lazy mile.
  21. Their website sucks..I bet if you explained the shitty online system to the people st the ticket office you'd be bet with blank and confused stares.
  22. Yeah using his $39 gift card from when he complained about long lines on Sunday.
  23. And they did groom but it snowed a couple inches on top of it. That's perfect.
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