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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. It will be fine eaf..skier packed powder. The new snow will pack to about 1/2 inch.
  2. Can you buy a ticket online with a gift card??
  3. They should bump up Floyds now that's a good run..best 12 seconds ever.
  4. Blues runs only form natural bumps if there was a huge snowstorm followed by a lot of traffic or a really warm spring day with a lot of traffic..I remember the bumps on exhibition at Jack Frost. Aren't they really short. Blue has at least three bump runs by later in the season..nightmare, challenge and barneys...they seeded bumps on middle dreamweaver last season and it was a really long stretch of bumps.
  5. They should build bumps on the Chute again. They did a few years ago.
  6. I never heard any complaints about the bumps in previous years.
  7. No sarcasm in my last post. I really think it's good that they are blowing the crap out of homestretch.
  8. Bahahahaha switchback is usually the last run to open which I find dumb because they could open it in a day and a half of snowmaking and its a short run. Burma was getting groomed out last night. The good thing about the timing of this cold spell is that homestretch is gonna have a ton of base by the weekend which is good. Last season they didn't blow enough snow in homestretch.
  9. Nope and they even said in Facebook no bumps yet when somebody asked. I think it was you or someone else that said the guy who seeded the bumps before doesn't work at Blue anymore.
  10. He didn't and Jeff was on his slalom skis.
  11. Yeah I remember when Atomic Jeff offered one of the employees in the valley lot a bagel and his response was,"I'm not a Jew"
  12. If you are gonna return to Blue again sometime it's the same thing as money.
  13. So you currently have a $5 gift card??? Wanna go halfs on some chicken fingers sometime??
  14. Nice poll plants Salty you ski pretty well for having only skied a season or so.
  15. SaltyAnt still has to through the hazing process. The
  16. Thanks for starting the report PARidge..was a fun night session with SaltyAnt, Atomic Jeff, GahSkier George and PARidge..some fun runs and good parking lot beer..temperatures were in the low 20s and guess what guys...it's snowing. I'll post some more details later..gotta get ready for karaoke. YOLO
  17. I never wanna be mean to people if it ever comes across as that online just know that I joke a lot.
  18. Oh sorry I wrote now but wasn't mocking you. I like how hardcore you are. And don't text and drive that's illegal.
  19. Whatever so you ski 3 hours instead of 4. YOLO
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