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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Yeah 4-5 times. I never want to give up a day at JH for targhee as targhee is much mellower and a longer drive. ZZSlope are you coming to Jackson hole this season??
  2. How long have you been retired for? You sound a little like my dad
  3. Good afternoon, I'm back from day 8 at Blue mountain the true mountain. I had to do a little mental math to figure out what time to leave this morning and the drive took about 3 minutes longer due to some moderate traffic on Root 22. I arrived at the upper lot around 732am and it was desolate. The combination of it being a Tuesday and Blue only announcing that they were reopening today late yesterday morning led to an eerily quiet mountain. Temperature was just just above freezing to start..guns were off and a few flakes and rain droplets in the air and very moist out. At the rope drop was just me and an 8-9 year old kid and one other guy..first run on vista to midway to lower Main Street was a carpet. Reminded me why I have to ditch work more often. Come around was amazing cord and Lazy mile was super good a little spicy around the second corner it's just narrower and some skeet spots. After two runs shadows was at the top the top and I skied with him the next two hours. We skied lazy mile and comaround to midway the most. Upper Main Street while a lot better than Sunday still had some small cookies but wasn't too bad could get mad steezy speed. They groomed a path of snow to the Burma lift and the Burma lift was running initially but was shut off sometime during my session. As the morning progresses the snow transformed from mid winter cord to almost the beginning of apple sauce..I would expect spring conditions this afternoon as more people descend on Blue mountain as word is getting out that they're open today and tonight snow should be fast. I quit at 10:45 skied either 15 or 16 runs..had a beer with shadows in the lot and soft pretzel. Was gonna have a beer in slopeside with shadows but he got screwed on the mug club so left Blue and went back to the mean streets..almost all the natural snow from the other day is now melted it didn't last long as it was so fluffy. People did manage to ski chute and under the Main Street chair below Come around above chute on Sunday skied right down to the dirt. I'll probably be out next tomorrow night for first night session of the season then likely not till the weekend. Ski everybody later.
  4. It's a Tuesday was empty. No lines.
  5. The main streets were mad steezy both of them.
  6. What did you do for a living? That's a lot of hours
  7. Had a fun session with Shadows..nice having empty runs. I'll post a report a little later.
  8. I'm the only one here. I feel like I'm the griswalds at wallyworld only the lights are on.
  9. That's called a flush it challenges agility.
  10. Atomic Jeff is the owner and I think the hosting is done in Calcutta India
  11. It's a timed course and it's Slalom or giant slalom racing. It's called Nastar.
  12. You should AirBnB your apartment or house and make some Johnny cash while you're away during the week.
  13. Bear creek is sad but I've heard a nice lodge. You can run gates at BC though.
  14. Here Salty Toasts epic seven springs day. I guessed right 2011
  15. I'll try and dig up Toasts epic report from Seven Springs I think around 2011-12 he hit it on a pow day and even cooler is you can buy lift ticket on the way in from a little hut without leaving your car.
  16. Blue is 6 minutes different on the way back. That's not even that long. Can still ski like 4 hours.
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