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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Was thinking the same thing and order the chicken fingers off the kids menu it's cheaper.
  2. There's a ladies only poker tournament during the World Series of poker in Las Vegas and a popular pro dressed up as a woman to enter.
  3. I'm surprised a ski addict like yourself would prefer a sit down meal..could always sit at the bar and make small talk with random people lol. I love food pictures. I ate a strip steak and salad..washed down with some diet stoke..
  4. I end up spending as much money going to Colorado for a week vs JH for a week because of what I spend on MJ and car rental. Cheapest I ever got on southwest was $119 each way. That is a very quiet time to travel mid January perhaps the slowest time of the year for non tropical destinations.
  5. You've been to Roundtop? My old college roommate from the Harrisburg area used to ski there.
  6. I sort of want to start liking all of indiggios posts to see him get to second place. You're doing pretty well shadows though. I give out points more sparingingly lately because I wanna dominate the leaderboard.
  7. According to Atomic Jeff this is the busiest PASR has been since 2008 i don't care what the haters say I like saltyAnt..
  8. We want you out there..remember nearly all of us have buddy passes you can use. Phillycore re and I saw you've been exercising way to get after it.
  9. Colorado will still be there next year. They're off to a pretty bad start snowfall wise.
  10. Thanks for the live reports.
  11. Sweet I can see the lights at bear creek from the parking lot of my hotel. Have fun Salty.
  12. You need to be in shape to ski??
  13. Yeah get on that shit Phillycore or better yet come to Jackson hole
  14. were you at Blue today??
  15. I notice you were on PASR for years and never post.
  16. were many people getting food from the two new stands..Stuffed to the Gills and the BBQ stand at the base this afternoon??
  17. Sheesh..that's a pretty big drop..
  18. Maybe I'm in the minority but I'd rather not ski amoung blasting snow guns..that's why I only skied lazy mile once today.
  19. We used to have a PASR day at Jackson frost every season but haven't in about 6 years as all the former PASR JFBB season pass holders are now blue passholders except for poconoOceanCity
  20. This morning it was busier today than yesterday. Yesterday was about five degrees warmer than today but was a little windier yesterday.
  21. were there any lifelines at Jack Frost? Blue started to get some lines after 10am. The only times I've been sore so far this season are the two days I skied the bumps.
  22. Wow and you're pretty far south down near Maryland and they only have to be outside for like 15 seconds. I hope the cold doesn't scare away the sweet corn at karaoke.
  23. What do you do with your shoes??
  24. What kind of fancy plate did you get??
  25. You need to get an everyday pass for next season...buying just one holiday ticket cancels out almost all the difference in price between midweek and all days season passes. I honestly dont think the cold scares scares away that many people. This is cold but not brutal cold...people are set onngoong a certain day and they go. Maybe just a few more people in the lodge and a few less on the slopes.
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