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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Not news to me and he's been posting on Alpinezone as well. He's been keeping stats here for at least 4 seasons as well.
  2. This cold snap is a Christmas miracle for bear creek.
  3. No harm at all...although not as efficient as blowing in colder temperatures.
  4. The lights are on at Bear Creek. I'm actually only 10.5 miles away from that legendary hill.
  5. Boom...which spelled backwards is something I have two of.
  6. Hahaha I was thinking the same thing afterwards. I'm always the first person in that row and if I park by the steps there will be a couple cars next to me before jeff gets there and a couple more before JFDan and Ryan and Toast and others arrive...#ParkingSpotsMatter
  7. You'll be fine if you get there normal time maybe allow an extra five minutes. FYI the PASRs have been parking second row..one flight of steps down from the lodge about ten cars west of the steps.
  8. Your pass might work. For peace of mind I'd get a new pass and pass picture. Most of the PASRs have done that the last two weekends.
  9. Keep posting in this thread and then Blue one of it relates to blue. What did you have for lunch today SaltyAnt?
  10. No idea I'll likely ski from 8-10am with the PASRs and then have some lot beers and if it is dumping maybe head back out for more..thanks for asking I was just thinking about it. There've been a few times where I had a double dip session at Blue mountain where I drive up and ski the early fresh cord and pebbles then go home in the afternoon and go back to Blue at night due to the timing of a snowstorm. The most I've done is Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night and Sunday morning. Yeah driving back and forth to Blue four times in under 48 hours.
  11. Who made you the internet police? It's still going because the discussion is not complete. It's actually the best report so far this season. Hall of Fame worthy.
  12. What a dumbass there's plenty of time to drink a beer on the lift ride up.
  13. I'm so happy for you SaltyAnt you made the right decision getting a Camelback pass maybe you'll see Juicebags there.
  14. Indiggio I quit super early Sunday not cause I was bored, not cause the conditions were shit but I was genuinely nervous that I was risking injury from all the people that was my instinct at least.
  15. Aftet skiing I drink beer then I go home catch up on Facebook and PASR and take a nap. Plus it's a good way to catch up on the sleep deficit I get during the week. Ive been taking post skiing naps my entire life I'm not about to stop now...my grandfather went home for lunch and a nap everyday and he lived to be almost 90
  16. If they run the Burma chair as well it will be good.
  17. Midway will be one horrendous shitshow regardless. I only got like 2-3 good runs on it Saturday and Sunday before it was wall to wall peeps.
  18. Based on the blue Facebook page a lot of people excited to ski this weekend. Some heading out this weekend for their first day of the season.
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