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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. That sounds really gay like threat mayonaise
  2. Whatsrediculous and 8am to 10pm weekends and holidays..830am to 10pm weekdays and closed at 5pm Xmas eve closed on Xmas and 🐣
  3. It doesn't taste that different..same with turkey 🌶
  4. Salty this reminded me of you.
  5. Gonna be the biggest sausage fest this side of Mr. Dunderbachs
  6. ZZSlope is cool whenever I see him I have that song She's Got Legs stuck in my Herman.
  7. Id like to have these pants many more years maybe I'll get some duct tape.
  8. Helmet is fine I've never even fallen on my head yet and pants are just getting frayed on holy near the bottom. Atomic Jeff and Root are like the fashion police. I've had these pants for maybe 8-9 years so far and another pair that were exactly the same I got like 12 years ago. I don't buy much. I currently have two pairs of shoes but am getting new sneakers this week..rack it.
  9. My usual way to Blue would actually take 58 minutes right now but if I took the turnpike one exit north would be about 42 minutes. Wow just wow.
  10. Nice so you'll still get home ten minutes earlier.
  11. Oh really yeah i heard there's some agreessive regulars who skate like hell for that first chair..people need to slow their roll.
  12. And for the future Blue reports should go in the Blue mountain forum and ZZslope already started a report thread so you can add this post to that. If I had mod powers I'd merge the two threads.
  13. Most of us will be there Sunday AM and the weather is gonna be great.
  14. I don't know if there are any college students on PASR but the first two weeks in January college students with a valid ID can buy 8 hour lift tickets on weekdays for $30 and Blue has also substantially lowered their lift ticket prices and are charging youth pricing for all and offer a $5 discount on passes bought online. Good stuff.
  15. Hayata nice report and welcome to PASR!!!
  16. Two west end allentown bars still allow smoking.
  17. I have to run some errands I've been on here all afternoon. Everybody behave when I'm gone or Skifreak is gonna give out some big dingers
  18. As long as you're not boring or basic you're ok in my book 📚
  19. I think a little bit of that is his humor.
  20. Ski2Live are you still boycotting yuengling? I used to drink yuengling and then I got a job. Troegs perpetual this weekend but I'm sure I'll trade a beer or two with matt edge.
  21. I only go back skiing after drinking a few days a season. Usually I ski, drink beer and go home..usually 2-3 beers..4 is my absolute limit unless it's gaper day, it's sunny or Root is there.
  22. It's more of a diner/family restaurant but there's a mural inside that shows a lady on rollerskates..so I think you used to eat in your 🚗. It's cheap full breakfast under $6 coffee I think is $1.25 if you are watching your $$$'s don't get the OJ..it's from concentrate and like $3
  23. I mainly ski so I can drink beers in the lot and write a report afterwards
  24. You're not a beginner I'd objectively say you are a lower intermediate skier but probably be a solid intermediate by mid season based on the amount you ski...
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