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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Cliffhanger has been groomed the majority of times I've skied it but I haven't been to Camelback in 4 years.
  2. Cliffhanger is easier than the other four. Camelback just wanted to have a double diamond. Nightmare at Blue mountain is a double diamond and the chute is a single diamond and harder. Things don't always make sense a lot of it is pure marketing. Smugglers notch even has a triple diamond.
  3. If it's something that interests you buy an inclinator
  4. What makes PA skiing easy is the lack of sustained pitches for instance the Hobacks at Jackson hole are 30-35 degrees in pitch for over 2500 vert.
  5. Nothing is steeper than 30 degrees except white lightning at Montage and the elevator at Jack Frost. Top of razors and challenge are high 20s I inamine the tops of the front four at Camelback is mid 20s cliffhanger likely low 20s
  6. I think midway at Blue is harder than Cliffhanger at Cameltoe..the chute for sure..it's so narrow and steep you need hop turns to get down it..
  7. Wow just wow...I broke a buckle hot dogging it in the lift line..luckily ski patrol didn't see me or I would have gotten a demerit and 15 lashes.
  8. Were any of the runs at Montage good?? I'll show you some sweet woods at Blue that require mandatory Giant Slalom turns.
  9. Wow just wow so you were walking with your straps undone and they were dangling along the ground. I don't understand the logistics. On busy days you should see how happy people are to get the spots in the PASR section of the lower lot when we leave.
  10. Blue used to open at 730am. I'm cool with an 8am opening on weekends and 830 on weekdays.
  11. Wow you sound like an early riser were you ever a paperboy Saltyant? Montage was a joke? Didn't you get to enjoy fluffy pow pow in the woods??
  12. Walking up steps in ski boots...wahhh cry me a river.
  13. If you park between the two high speed lifts, what lift do you start on? Did you work at Montage before?
  14. The snow looks great dank and powdery like a marijuana cocaine speedball..
  15. Is this your first season with a pass at Camelback?
  16. Wow you have ski in your name. How cool is that???
  17. Saltyant I just sent you a friend request on Facebook...
  18. It's early season and you are complaining about having to park 50 yards farther SMHerman I don't think they typically have the first tracks season pass holder perk the first weekend of the season when there's one trail open. You should be walking on sunshine that they're opening tomorrow even if it's an inferior product to what Blue has and should also be happy that you don't need to navigate the variable conditions on midway..can get your ski legs back on easier terrain.
  19. You would go to Blue even though you have a season pass at Camelback...wow just wow
  20. How tall are you?? I think you're tall enough to go on all the rides at Dorney Park..just barely.
  21. Way to get after it. 9.5 hours of rehearsals sounds intense. You must have some big gigs coming up.
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