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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. This came up on my google feed today. The video is apparently like 10 years old. Definitely more balls than brain and he’s really lucky he didn’t get injured from that. The majority of us middle aged snow sports enthusiasts would be carted off in a ski patrol toboggan if we attempted that..I’m sure my DINS set at 8 would withstand that lol
  2. I enjoy a few highlights from the trial on YouTube. It’s really interesting and there are some county and district judges who livestream arraignments, sentencing and all types of stuff. It boggles my mind how disrespectful some of the defendants are to the judge. Some of them have such light charges that they’re just gonna get a fine or probation unless they say fuck you to the judge and some do that and get contempt and thrown right into jail. Crazy.
  3. I don’t like apps unless it’s like potato skins. I even figured out how to do Uber through safari woo woo woo
  4. Just an FYI
  5. This is according to the rent a cop. Who knows.
  6. Next season you should come up and meet the PASRs. That would be dynamite.
  7. Wait so you’re saying Blue sucks??
  8. So you think Shawnee sucks? Root and toast like it there. Wow just wow call the media that’s a direct insult on @RidgeRacer cause he used to work there. That’s so messed up..saying PA places suck and you learned to ski in PA wow just wow..that’s slander
  9. The brown butter mushroom burger sounds nice…I’m sure you’d prefer a cockmeat sandwich.
  10. I go away for a couple hours and all heck breaks loose. I’m out of here.
  11. I guess he doesn’t get enough stimulation playing in a rock n roll band so comes here for it.
  12. I think the lodge in the upper left picture is still there unless they tore it down and built something fancy..
  13. When I first went to camelback summer of 1988 they had two alpine slides and bumper boats.
  14. You’re such an insufferable piece of shit. Have a great day!!!
  15. Skiing is a sport correct? Sheesh you can argue about everything. You should be a lawyer.
  16. I’m going to have a plaque made for you…wow you’re the most accomplished skier in the history of PASR…sorry TP4, we’ve got a new guy in town dedicated to the sport.
  17. When are there snowmaking temps in the forecast? It’s gonna be raining and 67 degrees Saturday in Scranton and camelback already is gonna be closed Saturday but they have a big season ending party on Sunday I could probably score you parking for only $12
  18. Sweet report, I read it in a Wawa parking lot while killing a few minutes waiting for a takeout order. I bet you’re hungrier for the happy hour food today than arrival day. Offer the Richie rich people a La Croix and they’ll say no thanks we already have Perrier. Gray poupon would hold little weight around those wallets… awesome pictures.
  19. No idea if the $263 goes to camelback probably not if it goes to blue then I’d say yes.
  20. I should laugh but I don’t even have a backpack. Have fun today Barb.
  21. Do the wallets have a private room or the loft?
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