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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. In theory I can check out when I go away and check back in after a trip.
  2. Was cool seeing the webcams last night and this morning blowing. Looks like possible snowmaking tomorrow night and likely snowmaking Monday night. Then maybe Wednesday and Thursday nights. If they can get open for Root Friday or next weekend great otherwise I really think they're open the first weekend in December or maybe even during the week after thanksgiving. Temperatures look favorable. Best case we're only 6 sleeps away from opening day at Blue and worst case about 2 weeks.
  3. Enjorales how was it? I miss reading your reports
  4. That's how you progress TP4. You never know when there's gonna be a disco light up 420 battleship box in the back country.
  5. Looks to be an inversion this AM. 27 in the A and 31 in Mount Poke N Hoe.
  6. Down to 32 degrees in the A. They won't be able to blow tomorrow night but should get 12 good hours in overnight and chance of snowmaking Sunday night more likely Monday night. Boom
  7. Nice stuff was 37 degrees out when I was just outside and thought they might turn the guns on ...they're going HAM this year.
  8. It has to be really warm for mashed potato conditions this time of year with the low sun angle. Main Street at Blue is only in the sun 2-3 hours this time of year. Rain doesn't make things slushy..it makes the snow smooth and fast.
  9. Snowmakers have snowmobiles you know.
  10. Was VTMark drunk?
  11. You mean the snowmakers?
  12. Why was it more fun than normal.
  13. Wow just wow TP4 you're becoming a big mountain rider like me.
  14. I think if they don't open on Root Friday they are going to try really hard to be open the following weekend when they are having their season pass holder party
  15. It went down to 30 at mount pocono so they were probably hoping to get a little blowing in.
  16. It all depends if the nights are clear...but last weeks agressive snowmaking was good for stoke.
  17. Possible snowmaking Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  18. Another 10" in the last 24 hours up to 110" so far at the rendezvous bowl plot. Here's a picture of a snow pit dug last week up high.
  19. Saltyant and Sallycat are not the same person.
  20. Where are you looking at the forecast for?? Possible snowmaking at Blue Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights.
  21. I don't know if any of the Black Friday deals will be triple packs.
  22. Jackson hole is at 100"
  23. During the week is when I want to go out the most. I can go out as a one man wolf pack and always see people I know which turns borderline alcoholism into social drinking!!!
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