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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Yes: Pros of Killington...Boston accents, New Jersey accents, New York accents, an ocean a few hours away, Canada a few hours away, closer to Europe than Jackson hole. Cons of Killington...can't think of any. Pros of Jackson hole...can't think of any cons of Jackson Hole..not killington, poor grooming on powder days, gondola isn't heated, easy to get sunburn.
  2. Jackson hole sucks. Go to killington. It's like Wyoming with more Boston accents. Yeah and my PPSRD won't even kick in for another four days.
  3. For sure it's helping me get through this boring work day.
  4. Is that cause your Bolle goggles get fogged up?? I feel like skiing in the rain is almost unavoidable around here especially because a lot of our snowstorms turn to rain. If it's a wall of solid green on the radar I won't go but if it's scattered or just a chance I will. If on a ski trip I'll definitely ski in the rain as I'm already there.
  5. OMG I'm laughing so hard...I was gonna say that it's as real as can be and he's as white as the snow except the snow at blue is brown..same color as poop..Johnny law logs the poops around these parts..ya heard!!! My problems are above first world problems. More like #DougLyfe problems
  6. No skiing below ten degrees wow...if you need layering advice talk to Robert2 No most of us just go skiing and don't annalyze the hell out of it. My biggest decision lately was whether I want to grind up my weed ahead of time or just wing it and use my fingers to break it up lol
  7. Wow lucky when my grandfather passed all I got was money and when my grandma died I got her flat screen Sony.
  8. Elk passholders don't think that elk is like skiing in Vermont that's their marketing slogan that likely works with gapers from Philly. Some days that blue closes are valid but like this last Sunday they shouldn't have closed.
  9. Nice report...glad Mrs. Snowbunski got out of her comfort zone a bit!!!
  10. How did y'all score free lodging in Steamboat?? It's cause you have airline vouchers...I think many of us have used vouchers before. You aren't special. I also like spending money. I'll drop $2500 easily the week I go to Colorado and if I didn't I wouldn't know what to spend my money on..not like I have to make Alimony payments.
  11. And his first trip out west his dad paid. Anyway what you do TP4 if you don't have an extra $449 or $599 sitting in your checking account is your charge the pass and then pay it back over the summer even if you pay a few bucks in interest it's better than paying $749.
  12. How are elk and blue passholders delusional?
  13. And TP4 closing at 3pm on a Saturday doesn't count as a day closed. They're actually pretty reasonable. $449 for a season pass with a buddy pass wow
  14. December 14 to April 2 is 110 days minus the 11 days they were closed maybe 12 counting Xmas so about 98-99 days. Last season they were only open about 70 days. It's bad when you complain constantly and don't appreciate the good things.
  15. That's not bad and they were open like 100 days. And five were this week. Tarponhead if you wanna know exactly how many days Blue was open this season I'll figure it out right now but I think about 105
  16. You'll be spending $749 for next years season pass if you don't hurry and lock in the $599 price.
  17. Oh Lordy...have fun. Didn't think you could hang the skis up just yet with another month of skiing in northern Vermont.
  18. Do you rate the 7 factors equally??
  19. Good call!!!! Brown makes the skiing suck.
  20. Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate. I actually can't wait until ski season is over so I don't have to see your dumbass posts anymore.
  21. When I skied Elk in high school I got 930 vert on my avocet watch that's on the right side looking up. That watch was very accurate and I always got just shy of 1100 for blue mountain. The mountain that lied the most about vert was windham. They claimed the center high speed quad was 1550 vert and was really 1280. I just looked up elks vert and here is what I got. From Wikipedia. No way elk is 1,000 vert...900 yes.
  22. What's the hurry why don't you stay in Vermont for awhile.
  23. They are grooming homestretch.
  24. I think I'm gonna bring some juice bags.
  25. Did you see the snowmakers blog?? What kind of beer are you and mark bringing Sunday??
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