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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Nestor's closed five years ago.
  2. Well then Shadows come with us to Jackson hole next year and show us how it's done. You can room with atomic Jeff.
  3. This has probably been posted before but this is one of the GoPro lines of the winter from last year. Corbetts to ten sleep bowl to expert chutes to amphitheater in like 2 minutes. Not only would this guy have no trouble beating the tram down, he'd prob have enough time for a waffle and PBR at the base while awaiting the same team he came up on. Wow just wow. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z5a4UQmZLs
  4. No shadows said that number saying he would only commute to philly if he made $60,000 a year.
  5. Four feet this week at Jay Peak http://unofficialnetworks.com/2017/02/jay-peak-pulls-down-4-feet-in-1-week-photo-tour-snow-report-a
  6. Just saw it in the death on the slopes thread.
  7. Tomorrow will be good conditions anywhere as its gonna get cold tonight and stay cold tomorrow with sunshine. All that snowmaking helps get rid of the sugar. Good deal this is a good time to get any winter gear or clothing. My homegirls at kohls probably replacing the mock turtlenecks with bathing suits and mesh shirts wow. OMG Toast I googled Siberian Goggles on Google..I'm laughing so hard..you're awesome lololol
  8. Yeah and they have tough jobs and probably the lowest paying career that requires a masters degree. But it's an easy major. I basically minored in Sociology. Took 4 Soc classes...Soc 1, sociology of family, leisure in society and drugs in society a lot easier than Calculus 2 which I had to take twice.
  9. Already met a new girl Wednesday night at karaoke who backpacks and loves my skiing pictures...she's a social worker wahahahaha
  10. That's a good Jackson 5 song.
  11. Nice sounds like you got the skiing bug again!!!
  12. Nice report have no idea on the quad burn. Are the quads below or above the knees?? Have fun tomorrow at the camel looking forward to a report from there as no PASRs have been at camelback this season except Ski2Live and I don't think he post a report.
  13. Nice maybe they'll make April this season. Easter is late which is a good sign.
  14. Well hopefully your girlfriend has $$$$ and can buy you stuff. I've had months recently where I've made over $20k
  15. His commute is like 20 minutes just has to go across the commodore Barry bridge. I think you misinterpreted his post that said 3 hours. That's his drive to blue from his work in NJ during rush hour.
  16. Somebody wants a 1030am appointment tomorrow..maybe if it wasn't during ski season. That's beer thirty for me..I have a well deserved weekend to enjoy.
  17. Phillycore you gonna be at blue this weekend??
  18. I'm not that means it was eastern conditions. The dude who smoked me up said any skis under 100 underfoot should be thrown in the dumpster. His fat skis were like 140s lol
  19. My mantras were tuned at the beginning of the season and shiros before JH so I should be good for awhile.
  20. Dress warm toast!!!!
  21. Looks like they are blowing snow all over...should be good tomorrow AM!!!
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