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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Mad River Glen is closed today. Yup...they haven't lost much base so far.
  2. The ice spot is below the chute. Didn't ski the bumps as everytime I was over there I did Switchback except for one run on lower Widowmaker and the chute. I'm sure the bumps are huge cause a lot of the bumpers are out and likely glacial ice in the troughs. Nightmare to Dreamweaver and switchback just opened so doubt they will blow on those this weekend. I think they'll blow on challenge, Main Street and lazy this weekend.
  3. Standing on the side of connector again gonna ski Switchback a fifth time. Some lady on connector repeating oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. More 90s hits keep blasting at the base including Pump Up the Jam, Let Her Cry by Hootie and the Blowfish and Mr. Boombastic. First time skiing alone in awhile and starting to get a bit boring. I have no interest in paradise or lazy so gonna keep lapping Switchback until I get my Fill like Mickelson. Stomach growling a bit and tempted to go to slopeside but gonna hold out for some of Sheetz famous cheesy nachos on the way home. Here's a snowman I saw on the side of Switchback. Bahahahaha more like icy death lol then sugar. Maybe an inch of fresh this weekend.
  4. Razorback was pretty firm and smooth not worth a revisit. At the bottom Ice Ice Baby was playing and I was laughing real hard as I had just written ice ice baby in my report. I then skied Switchback a third time and it was glorious. I don't think I'm gonna ski Main Street anymore this season not when switchback is good at least. I passed about 8 herbs on the run. Now back at the tip of switchback again ready for a fourth run on it. A little bit of fog on tuts lane but the rain has stopped. It's also pretty windy at the peak. I was nervous I'd be over dressed today cause I have upper body under armor on under my purple polo shirt but I'm fine. Nice not having a fleece layer.
  5. Chute was pretty firm but I had to Hollywood and lay down railroad tracks for the 2 people on the Main Street chair..choo choo. I the. Skied Switchback again and still nice but a little more chop then an hour earlier. Then skied Razors which is just nice to be able to ski...hanging out on razorback right now typing this. Ice ice baby. Razorback.
  6. Switchback was great buttery soft and pretty smooth. Nightmare to Dreamweaver not so good with little rollers and whoop de doos and more hardpack. Am on top of the chute now and then gonna do razors to razorback. Still some sprinkles in the air. The flats like tuts lane and home stretch are getting more wet and heavy..nice that lower park is open except the only 6 honks here were blocking the entrance. Titty deep on Widowmaker. Le Chute Haha that's what I just wrote lol.
  7. Booted up and saw Marty and bumper Chris at the base. First run skied razors and was ok..a little choppy but definitely not spring like more like hard pack with a little bite to it. Gonna ski Switchback now. Absolutely no people here. Maybe like 50 in total.
  8. Fuck raining on the AT and 48 degrees. Next update will be after my first run from the top where there is service. First run will be a double black and not talking about shoshanna and Laquisha nope razors edge aka raisins ledge aka pure sex.
  9. Hey All, Just leaving the A now and should be on the snow around 11. It's 50 degrees and cloudy with a few random sprinkles. I'm looking forward to skiing razors and any other new terrain that has opened. The snowmakers blog said everything but sidewinder would be open by tomorrow morning so here's to hoping Switchback and Nightmare to Dreamweaver are open. I'll try to post some pictures. This will be my first real time thread of the season as I typically keep my phone in my car when skiing. Enjoy the updates!!!!
  10. I'll try and do a real time report.
  11. I'm hoping this rain followed by warmth will make things nice and mashed tators tomorrow
  12. I'm guessing Taco Bell for TP4 and McDonalds for VTMark plus I don't think TP4 likes Taco Bell coffee.
  13. Somebody who bought their blue pass early bird might have a buddy pass that you can use. You should ask on here.
  14. Great report VTMark how were the conditions.
  15. Another 19" new at Jackson hole and their seasonal snowfall just topped 300" oh Lordy.
  16. Guessing it will be springlike later. TP4 and VTMark are up there now. Maybe they'll post a report. Great news on razors and razorback. I'll be up there tomorrow late morning.
  17. I'm guessing razors later today or tomorrow and nightmare Dreamweaver. Don't know about switchback.
  18. Good one!!
  19. I did three loads of laundry the other day..even did sheets and comforter...wooo. You're handy..
  20. Toast is the most grumpy out of everybody after a ski trip. Thinking about taking off tomorrow so I can sleep in after karaoke and then enjoy the warmest day of the season. Chance of rain but high of 57 in the A. Weather looks pretty nice today for TP4. Sunny and in the 40s. Got to much going on at work today.
  21. Wow I went to high school with one kid that played football, baseball and basketball and was varsity on all three teams as a freshman. My top sports moment in high school was either playing hackey sack like a boss with the goth kids and bandos or when I once caught a fly ball in gym class and my gym teacher made fun of me. There was one kid I knew in high school who was a grade older and he would come back to school just for gym class. I've thought about coming back to William Allen high school on chicken turnover day but it would prob turn into 21 jump street type shit and I'd end up some girls prom date.
  22. I couldn't stand organized activities as a kid. I don't know if you had to go to camp but I did. It's like fuck schools out for summer so instead of getting up early to go to school everyday it's get up early to go to camp everyday SMHerman. My mom sometimes kicked me and my sister out of the house and wouldn't let us come back till dinner. I'd knock on neighbor kids doors and see if they wanted to play.
  23. What could you possibly have to do up there???
  24. Time to start planning your spring break trip. YOLO
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