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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Vista, Main Street top to bottom, come around, midway, easy out, school hill and Barneys bumps. Maybe lazy mile as well.
  2. Sickbird!!!!
  3. Nice steamboat tickets ain't cheap I think about $700 for a 6 day.
  4. Sounds like a solid trip way to get after it!!!
  5. I'm sure they'll seed Barneys if not opening day by the weekend. What's the lift ticket rate.
  6. When are you going VTMark?? Is TP4 coming.
  7. Wednesday at 830am. No news.
  8. Not anymore. They'll be bitching about whatever price they charge and also people will ask when Sidewinder and the stunt ditch are opening.
  9. Nice report way to get after it!!! Sucks that they didn't open love park until later.
  10. Just so y'all know, Blue is announcing their opening at 10am today.
  11. Imitation is flattery.
  12. Nice report way to get after it!!!
  13. That's what I've heard from inside info but it's not official till tomorrow so I'm not jumping the gun with a roll call thread just yet. And for those of you that can't make it Wednesday don't worry they're gonna have such a solid base after the Arctic vortex that they will last through a monsoon...I'm impressed by their firepower and hats off to the snowmakers..if it wasn't for you there wouldn't be skiing locally. I see Enjorales lurking if you wanna do a BBQ in the lot Saturday late morning let me know ill bring some meat and rolls and what not..I don't have a grill but others do and I think you do. I'm fucking stoked for ski season. Usually Sunday around this time I'm pissed off but I just have to work two stupid days and then am skiing woooo
  14. Nice me and atomic Jeff stayed at the best western in Bennington to ski mount snow. Easy drive under 5 hours from Allentown probably less from where u live.
  15. Where are you guys skiing in Vermont? I didn't ski in Vermont until I was 14.
  16. Probably???
  17. The most dedicated PASRs are at Hunter.
  18. Insane snowmaking production..a total of 60 hours so far..looks like they are also blowing on lazy mile..I don't know about tuts lane can somebody with a drone investigate??!! I'm hoping they announce an opening this afternoon. Anyway you slice it or dice it the stoke market is on the rise. I really think they'll open on Wednesday cause TP4 has off work.
  19. Wow just wow....id never do that sort of thing to a customer. If I tell them a price is something I stick to it. You should pay for your lift ticket tomorrow in all pennies that will show them.
  20. TP4 I was waiting for your rant. You think they'll make more money selling $25 tickets or $40 tickets??? You still gonna spend the extra $15? And me personally I think $40 is a little steep for three runs Who's Cole??
  21. TP4 is in for a treat tomorrow!!!!
  22. Wow looking good up there and lift tickets still $25 but I see they go up to $40 tomorrow when they open Love Park.
  23. I can't tell but they'll have that open next weekend. Blue mountain got their Xmas present early from Mother Nature. How great it is for them that they'll be nearly fully operational Xmas week along with tubing. I'm still waiting on info on the condos. They said we'd get an email in early fall. My dad also inquired for info on the vista club and no info either. Maybe a good season will get them moving on that project and the water park.
  24. I think they've blown enough snow on Main Street. Time to move onto lazy mile, tuts lane, shuttle, falls and homestretch. I hope they shut the guns off just for a minute later this afternoon just so I can see how massive the whales are...36 hours of snowmaking so far...and operation blizzard is just getting started. Could be 22 runs open and three roots by next weekend.
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