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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I haven't had any beyond minor stuff like sprains and a broken toe... You mentioned various research. Several cancer researchers have been close to a cure and have made major headway and you wanna know what happened to them? They were murdered? The pharmaceutical industry doesn't want a cure for cancer which sickens me. http://www.anonews.co/doctors-who-discovered-cancer-enzymes-found-dead/ Shadows weren't you badly injured at camelback and Whistler?
  2. My bedroom was chilly this morning and still comfortable in my place. I might not even turn on AC today.
  3. Have you received any jobs due to your leads? Have you cold called businesses before? It's hard and time consuming but shows persistence and at worst you're leaving your card with some front desk receptionist who might pass it on to the decision maker.
  4. Getting charged per lead makes sense...the non real numbers I'm sure are figured into the equation. 80% real numbers sounds pretty good. The craziest is at least a few times my customers have tried to sell me something. Recently a customer came in with a photo of his parents tombstone and rudimentary measurements and asked for pricing info. It was around $5,000 and he said he didn't have money for it then launched into a sales presentation with various promotional items like pens that doubles as a Styllus and refrigerator magnets. He was even trying to engage the office manager and tossed her some swag... Another time recently an older husband and wife were shopping for a tombstone and at some point asked us who did our printing and I said Nacci and they said wow they're expensive my son owns a printing business. They never bought just shopping and a few days later I had a voicemail from their son saying he heard we needed printing services. Shit is hilarious...I love that approach pretend you want to buy something and then end up trying to sell them..the old switcheroo.
  5. I don't know if anybody watches the Jon Olsson vlogs but they're pretty good. He helped usher in new school skiing around 2000 and now lives a semi charmed Lyfe split between Monaco and Marbella Spain..this episode he puts a ski box on a Rolls Royce.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8DNM7bdaK2A
  6. Don't you get free passes at the big K for being a patroller???
  7. I don't follow. It's your business put your name on it. Be proud of it.
  8. I really dislike work email. Half the calls we get are people asking if you got my email. There are also a few people we work with who call everytime they send a fax asking if they got our fax. A lot of simple tasks like a basic lettering job or a duplicate memorial stone where there's nothing for customer to pickout so I say I'll mail you contract. They then say can you email it..gosh they wait months and even years to order a tombstone and won't wait a day or two for mail. Sure will email contract and take credit card info over the phone and pay the stupid 2-3% fee for visa or MasterCard. Then some people I say I'll mail contract and they say oh I like doing things face to face I'll just come in so they come in and don't even bring their checkbook...they say you can just do the work and bill me for it. I've had people say I won't pay for it until the work is complete and then I tell them we don't do work without money and say we've been here since 1929 we aren't gonna ruin our reputation by ripping you off. It's not like if someone orders a pizza and never picks it up..we have enough display pieces. The industry standard is half down as a deposit and other half upon completion and if they don't pay balance we repossess the tombstone.
  9. There's a thing called voicemail. The majority of the calls that come into my office go to voicemail cause I'm sitting with families, on the road and out of the office or am busy with work and don't feel like answering the phone..or they call when it's evening and weekend hours when I'm not there. A couple times a day I check voicemail and then call everybody back.
  10. For credit cards first of all why are you paying 24% interest that's about as high as it gets. Transfer credit card debt to a credit card with a 12 month 0% APR will prob bump up to close to what you pay now in interest but after a year of zero interest. Is the $2500 on credit card close to the credit card limit? If it is every month your credit is actually getting worse. The goal is to use somewhere between 1/4-1/3 of available credit. Also as your business is established and you are paying off credit card bill completely every month be sure to take advantage of reward points. Most are like 1% cash back or equivalent in merchandise or gift cards. I don't think any bank is gonna take the time to write up a loan for $2500. They only stand to make a few hundred on interest. https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/loans/personal-loan-bank-credit-union/ My business has a line of credit with our bank just in case cash flow is light in order to meet payroll. https://www.sba.gov/blogs/6-step-guide-how-get-business-loan Your business is considered a start up. Start ups have a much smaller chance of acquiring a bank loan than an established business. If and when you ever look for a business loan, a business plan and earnings projections are required. The key to any successful business is solving a problem successfully. A person needs their windows washed is a problem and you solve it with your services. I wouldn't turn your nose down on residential work. You might wash a homes Windows and the homeowner owns a bunch of commercial real estate and hires you for a larger job cause you did a good job on a small job. There's slot of stupid paver shit I don't wanna do. A local church is having us engrave 18 pavers. It's a $900 job as much as a single flat marker but we do a good job maybe they will want more work done or recommend us to their congregation. I have trouble turning down business. And until I have fuck you money I'll only turn down business if the customer is completely nasty to me and my staff.
  11. Business page is seperate from personal page. You won't see me posting sandwich pictures on business page.
  12. Yup a Facebook business page and adding everybody you know is a good start.
  13. Depends how much working capital you need for equipment and marketing and other clerical expenses. Let's say hypothetically its $30,000...$10k for equipment and marketing and $20,000 for first 6 months/years salary before $$$ starts rolling in due to the return on capital expenditures and let's say you take a 6 year loan at the max rate of 6.75% interest. Your payments are gonna be just over $500 a month on the loan. It's a risk but you gotta think with this infusion of capital odds are years 2 through 6 you'll be doing exponentially better and that $500 monthly payment won't be that significant plus you'll be building credit. My philosophy with business and my Lyfe has always been to be a minimalist and lean(not talking about my physique) I'm not big on spending major $$ on office furniture and fancy displays and as time goes on marketing expenses will decline due to increased word of mouth and referrals. As I said months ago I still don't think it's a bad idea to join a young professionals club and share business cards with others. There might be a financial advisor or accountant or small business owner that can give you their advice or perhaps even need your services. Networking is huge. The guy who does SEO and other marketing at Nustream is posting on Facebook about it multiple times a day. Some might think he's being a pest but he's also being persistent and utilizing a great form of free marketing.
  14. Can you do window washing in below freezing temperatures??
  15. I was just saying if you are working part time and making part time money use a little of your free time to make more money. When I first started working for my dad I was barely making any money and worked some catering gigs for the delivery guys wife for extra $$$
  16. Shadows what's your monthly nut? Rent, car expenses, bills and food? Maybe get a side hustle to complement your business until you get more accounts.
  17. What kind of sales do you do?? My tip would be to work with an SEO search engine optimization specialist so that you come up first in google searches. Call up my buddy Tristen Miller at nustream marketing located at 6th and Hamilton street in Allentown. 610-432-2600
  18. Wait $12,000 a year...
  19. Wow just wow Enjorales next time give us 25 minutes of notice lol
  20. What about Peter??
  21. Wow even includes wilmot mountain Wisconsin.
  22. Name it Tyrone or LaWanda or some black name especially in Philly
  23. And when it was top to bottom like the Xnick -Dan year it was legit cause you got like 1600 feet of vert and could ski back to the base. I college I downloaded so much. Sugarbush South aka Lincoln peak took advantage of an early season coldsnap in October 1997 and blew the hell out of downspout and upper jester and also upper organ grinder. They didn't blow at all on the lower mountain so offered downloading off the sugar bravo lift which ran at half speed to accomadate downloading. I was a freshman then and didn't have my car up till second semester so depended on rides from upperclassman. Was all good I got some of my best early powder hitching a ride. I remember one I missed a pow day at Stowe and even had a ride lined up but offer slept probably to much natty light and apple pie shots at a party. Ended up walking out into a snowstorm and hitching a ride to sugarbush and getting deepness on paradise on my skinny ass'd pre skis. Good thing I picked up some K2 El Caminos those were some sweet skis and 198s the longest they made. Almost as legit as Johnny laws 203'length shiros. Long skis truck short skis suck except for bumps and slalom and whirlybirds n
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