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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Are they also the ones that touch under your armpits with rubber gloves? I got that in Newark, the guy even joked that this was gonna me my worst massage ever. The joke was on him as my pits were sweaty. Gotta be the worst job ever.
  2. I remember when he was just a baby.
  3. Thanks for continuously posting reports. You have kids now right?
  4. You ever ski glory hole at Brokeback mountain..the entrance is a little hairy but you’ll be rewarded with nice stiff crud and and some gusts of wind(farts) lol
  5. My friends work snow tubing event is cancelled for tonight and the new date is march 9th. That’s optimistic.
  6. Are you a fan of the Monkees? I like the last train to clarksville song…people have said that I like to monkey around, no big dealio
  7. I wonder if he visited any glory holes
  8. Good we need it. I saw you more as more of a yellow submarine kind of guy.
  9. Did the Gunnison to Dallas flight take off late due to weather/de-icing?
  10. Fuck that jazz…I want it to be a high of 36 and a low of 26 everyday like Blues website has been saying since November.
  11. Hey All, It’s almost another weekend and a big one at that as it’s presidents weekend. Is anybody planning on skiing Blue mointain the true mountain? Looks like a return to winter temperatures Saturday morning before warming back up the rest of the weekend. I included Monday as part of the weekend cause some people have off work that day and Blue opens at 8am Monday, tomorrow they also open at 8am.
  12. Did you ski double Diamond? When I went to Okemo with my dad in 1995, he was super pissed that I took him down that cause it was all moguls.
  13. We have spring skiing every month of the season here…every year people act surprised when it’s nearly 70 degrees in February.
  14. Blue is closing today at 4pm. The snowmaking ponds should be nice and full for a few hours of snowmaking Saturday morning and perhaps a return to winter late next week.
  15. The confidence you gained skiing Okemo black diamonds will shut up the haters when you’re laying down railroad tracks at a blue.
  16. Looks like last night JFDan walked off one plane and back onto another. Plane #1 landed at Dallas at 634pm and plane #2 left Dallas at 658pm. Good thing the gates were close to each other. Woooo
  17. In Allentown the temperature rose from 38 to 54 in two hours. Some serious warm air streaming in ahead of the rain.
  18. It’s 58 degrees in the A so prob mid 50s at blue. Mesh shirt weather
  19. Wow just wow that’s crazy
  20. Nice report and nice you were able to get out of state.
  21. Well glad it’s good I’ll check out the menu…one of the best things I ate in Jackson hole was at the roadhouse brewery the pork schnitzel. That was Buss’n..and came with mashed potatoes.
  22. They should start charging extra for the lemon they put in iced tea and sometimes water or lime in mixed drinks or corona. Leaving money on the table.
  23. Tell me about the surf and turf and did it come with soup and salad bar? I like sandwiching an expensive meal between two cheap meals..lowers the cost per meal. Also tree fiddy for ice tea is ok but for a refill almost always you get free refills on ice tea, coffee and fountain drinks. If it was something booshee like strawberry lemonade I could see the extra charge but that’s cray. More often if I ask for something extra like salsa with an omelette or maybe even two salsas with my quesadilla sang usually they don’t charge me or it’s super nominal amount like 69’cents. occasionally it’s like $2.50 for salsa.
  24. @saltyant how long are you in Vermont for and what’s for supper?
  25. Nice report..Barb I’m glad you didn’t get injured during JFDans visit. He’s about to board his flight to Dallas and now you can go back to walking around your house with no pants on lol
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