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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I bet you could track down cannolis tomorrow somewhere at the Allentown farmers market. Ask at the Badda Bing stand south aisle about 1/4 of the way down from western end. Italians work there lol
  2. Never heard of a cannoli joint. If you want cannolis I believe carrabas has on cedar crest and Louie's right off of Lehigh street. To late for bakery's to be open Oh shit more than 45 minutes later. Posted From My Atari 2600 using Fapatalk
  3. I know have the fraggle rock theme song stuck in my head..the things going on at blue mountain can only be explained by somebody with two or more college geology courses and I am that guy. Just as an introduction some rocks are older than others and some rocks are harder than others..cool saved u young grasshoppers a bunch of money on taking geology. Anywhoo...The lower lot at Blue mountain has been sinking every year...they groom it smooth every year with the fluffer attachment but it still continues to sink...that's why the mountain looks bigger every year..it's not an optical illusion. Below the earth live the fraggles and as the lower lot sinks the Fraggles will emerge. On the closing party after some mimosa cherry vodka colas and high test beer and THC and Nicotene and stoke I saw a fraggle emerge from behind a car with a tray of Jell-O shots but it happened to be Beau...stayed tuned boys and girls and stock up on popcorn..weird wild stuff is gonna happen....
  4. Yeah and they are using eminent domain to acquire the land needed.
  5. This is great news Tarponhead...pave paradise and put up a parking lot.
  6. I don't know if you guys have been following the wildfires in alberta but it's a disaster. Was a perfect storm influenced by global warming. A warm dry spring than hot weather and strong winds. It was 90 yes 90 degrees there yesterday like 260 miles north of Edmonton. 88,000 people have evacuated
  7. Wow just wow cleanup aisle Doug
  8. I always thought TheDude was a level three but he's actually a level one although he passed the written portion of the level 2. I had an argument with Mrs. Snowbunski about this. I don't know if there are any other instructors on PASR
  9. A shame all the instructors on PASR are level one.
  10. never been heard it's more comfort food like fried chicken and meatloaf in addition to fine dining.
  11. 3501 over the dime. It's pricey but never had a bad meal there. Ask for a table in the new loft area. Last time I was there I had duck three ways. Duck breast duck confit and some sort of Asian bun with duck. It was reduckulous quack quack
  12. 8" new at Abasin and 80" base. Damn Daniel. This has me feeling some type of way.
  13. Me and Matt edge would make good wingmen for this ski bro!!!! http://www.tetongravity.com/story/culture/ski-bro-seeking-temp-girlfriend-with-housing-for-summer
  14. Our tombstones look much nicer!!!
  15. Im not familiar with Saddleback.
  16. Can't Jay peak operate without the tram??
  17. I like to hold out in case I get sponsored by Jackson hole. In a few years I'll be saying bye bye to blue mountain and spending my winters in the Rocky Mountains!!!
  18. The last few years I've paid for my pass via check. I try to use credit card as little as possible.
  19. Nice shoes
  20. Your families expenses are prob triple as much as what my individual expenses are lol...as for time value of money yeah that's what I was thinking. I don't consider someone to be rich if they still have to work. Well off yes. Not rich.
  21. Stupid just pay the whole $675 in the fall. You're just giving blue your money early.
  22. Is the payment plan based on the pre November price??? I'm not paying anything till Halloween. It works out perfect for me because my rent is free in October because I got a free month of rent along with a 12 month lease so I save $725 in October which is about what my season pass at blue is.
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