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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Fresh snow. NazarethJay and JFDan will you be competing in the pond skimming. Yo dawgs this is major Barb just hit me on my pager and she said they were gonna blow snow this weekend...wow just wow
  2. I think they'll also take snow from areas of the mountain with ample snow and cover bare spots. I don't expect all the trails to be open.
  3. Darn well I'll always remember the time you were sloppy drunk the pond skimming day and sexkitten had to help you in the bathroom. I miss drinking with teenagers.
  4. Sounds like you are gonna bring both lol
  5. Nice this is a great time of year to buy gear. I might check out Buckmans sometimes soon.
  6. New boots old skis except breaking in new boots sucks. What kind of skis did you get?? I'm sure bare spots will be easily avoidable but probably like little pebbles and shit mixed in with the snow. Bring both
  7. With a forecast low in the mid 20s Friday night Blue has the potential to blow a little bit of snow. Do you think there's a chance they will. I imagine lighting up a few guns for a few hours on homestretch could be some of the best PR possible to close out a rough season.
  8. Speaking of bumps did you see Johnny moselys Candide Thovex spoof. One of these dayz. It's 24 karet..yes pure gold!!! http://www.outsidetelevision.com/video/one-those-daze-jonny-moseley-snowlerblades-chardonnay
  9. Not gonna be warm enough for bumps. Wall to wall fast hard cord wooooooo
  10. Sure would have to be the right chick like his beauty.
  11. She works at tilted kilt. I know her from when she used to work at rooselvelts and no her boobs are small.
  12. Most buffet food is really good. If I was as skinny as shadows I'd go to a buffet every night for a week.
  13. Wow just wow last I saw you at blue it was me, you, your boyfriend, atomic Jeff and VTMark like two years ago.
  14. I don't believe in monogomy. The other week I hooked up with two different girls two nights in a row...it was awesome!!!
  15. Hey all, It's official...Sunday March 20th is closing day at Blue mountain the true mountain and there will be pond skimming. Anybody gonna be at Blue mountain this weekend? I'll be there for sure on Saturday when the weather is nice. Probably Friday afternoon as well and maybe Sunday depending on the weather. Looks like they lost a lot of snow based on the webcams but razors looks pretty deep. Also looks like cooler temperatures Friday night and maybe they'll do a little bit of spot snowmaking. Anyway unbelievable that after all the warmth that we still have a few days left. You can call me Bob Dylan cause I'm tangled up in Blue!!!
  16. I'll check it out when I get home from work. Probably should smoke up first.
  17. You should put a ring on it!!!! She's proud to have you as a boyfriend...
  18. Just had chicken pot pie. Now I'm feeling farty.
  19. Yup that's why we lead different lives. My dad is always substituting fries for broccoli and is turned off by fatty foods. Prefers filet to ribeyes. I'm the exact opposite. Different strokes for different folks
  20. How many vertical feet did you ski last season??
  21. Says the guy who hasn't had Arby's since high school.
  22. I live three minutes from the buffet by dorney. That shopping center is not good for me. Wendy's, carrabas, Chinese buffet and Pizza Hut. Also a dunkin donuts but I'm a Starbucks guy so hit the one by wegmans every week or two for an iced coffee and a little flirting with the jailbait that works there.
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