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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Real bumps or push piles???
  2. Nice welcome back!!! Why only 80% just go
  3. Nice report phillycore. Are skevics fat skis??? Switchback is such a great run!!!!
  4. Waiting for the lifts to open. Deepest 5" ever view from the cirque Nom nom nom Snowboarder we took a few runs with. Titty sparkles This is around noon not bad. I'm feeling like a popular Ice Cube song...today was a good day!!!! Got that after glow and lactic acid burn in my legs.
  5. Nice report. Were there any crowds??? I see JLAW on homestretch.
  6. January 24th 2016...day 2 of 9. Thank you winter storm Jonas because if not for you today would be our arrival day and I wouldn't have been able to ski almost a dozen runs of untracked powder!!!! We took the 8am bus to the mountain and the report was 5 inches of new snow as of 6am all of which fell after the lifts closed yesterday. High tailed it up to the gondola and me and atomic Jeff were about 15th in the singles line at 835am. Lots of people out early and by the time the lifts opened there were at least 300 people in line for the gondola and at least that many in line for the Tram. Atomic Jeff and me should have traded places in line as he was in cabin number 420 cough cough. First run the 5" was deep and beefy more like 6-8" of medium density pow pow. High tailed it to the Thunder Quad and next run got some photos skiers left of Grand. The snow was billowing above my waist..so good best pow I've skied here since prob 3 years ago. Up sublette delightful untracked in ten sleep bowl and the cirque and the gully leading to amphitheater. Up Thunder got a few nice shots of atomic Jeff in untracked below the expert chutes. Was so nice maybe two other tracks as its a bit of a whoop dee doo traverse. Down to thunder almost a full lift corral of people. On the lift we met a father and son from Ohio and Chicago respectively. They were skiing their last of three days and son on a snowboard hadn't experienced the legendary hobacks yet and dad was an intermediate and not competent enough to ski them so we decided to let the snowboarder tag along with us. Wow just wow building great karma with the knuckledragger community but before the hobacks we skied left of grand again in chowder and untracked back to sublette then over to the hobacks. Hobacks were way better than expected. 75% untracked. My feet were bugging me a little. My 7 days prior to this trip were equal to about 2 real ski days so my feet are still in summer sandal wide mode. Stopped to pee, stopped to take pictures..deep untracked till last 500 vert where the new snow transitioned to only a few inches new. Still very nice. By the time I was back at the union pass lift I was sweating woo. We split up from snowboarder and went back to the base. Up teewinot and then up apres vous. The racers will taking down the race course between the Teton lift and apres vous and we got fresh pow in the woods and meadows right of the race course and then down to the Teton lift. Up the Teton lift and the next run was like my third favorite Tom Cruise movie, Risky Business as I ducked a rope and skied the untracked woods right of the race course. Jeff didn't want to. With several days left on my pass if I would have been caught by the red coats if would be like my second favorite Tom Cruise movie Jerry Maguire and the ticket office would have asked me to Show Me The Money but was all good and I was like my favorite Tom Cruise movie,"Top Gun"'on some Kenny loggins shit skiing right into the danger zone got like twenty fresh turns then chowder below on Moran face. My legs were screaming and I had my Phil like Mickelson. Skied a long long run to the base. Was gonna eat at the handlebar in the four seasons but was uber packed so had a late lunch at the alpenhof. Has hamburger soup and a bison quesadilla and an Arnold Palmer. Atomic Jeff had the soup as well and bison pastrami sang washed down with a Spaten. Only $46 which is very reasonable for this town. I am exhausted. No warm ups no groomers no easy runs. Just pow pow and more pow. Was straight out of dirty dancing..yes I had the time of my lyfe but nobody puts GSS in the corner. Woo...two bonus days at Jackson Hole were like Frosted Flakes..they were grrrrr....ate. Photos to come soon.
  7. How's the skiing been in Colorado.
  8. Your welcome and anytime. Looks sort of busy at blue.
  9. They sell gloves and pants at the skiers store at blue.
  10. You should go to Blue.
  11. I don't think Scranton and montage got any snow.
  12. I like being a tourist who helps out tourists.
  13. From the air!!! About 30 miles south of JH Snow King at dusk on the way back from buying contact lense case. 8am bus...Rose Parks would be jealous. The band setting up at the base of the gondola at 8:45AM Overcast day Mangy moose Nice leaving snowless PA to see a few flakes.
  14. Wow at least you didn't get plowed in.
  15. Wow glad I live in an apartment and don't have to shovel. Not glad my car is in Newark airport parking. Should have paid the Johnny cash and parked in the garage.
  16. Wow sorry to hear PARidge...and props to Dan for being by your side. ++++++VIBES+++++ on a speedy recovery. People have skied before in slings with broken arms and dislocated shoulders.
  17. How was off trail stuff??? I bet honey bee bowl, under the Main Street chair and the marquee route were really nice!!
  18. Exactly why the condos at blue are gonna be so awesome. Can't wait to be a part of History!!
  19. Is it still snowing??? Now you guys have to hope the next storm midweek is snow and not rain. Will blue be busy next weekend? Only 11 deaths so far. My opinion is due to so much snow people weren't driving fast enough to cause fatal wrecks. To be a small amount of snow or black ice is way more dangerous to drive in than deep snow cause people drive normal speed.
  20. I saw some stuff on my Facebook feed from the store. I don't know building a house or business at two feet above sea level is pretty dumb considering rising sea levels and stronger storms but people like the beach. My grandparents former beachfront house in ocean city actually survived hurricane sandy.
  21. What are totals like. I asked a few people back in Pa and responses within a 10 mile area were more than a foot to 30". As of 3 hours ago there was 21" at LVIA
  22. Day 1 of 9..January 23 2016. Today was a fun first ski day of the trip. Took the 8am bus and bought 7 day lift tickets for only $411 which is half the daily $115 daily rate plus $5 for a J card. We couldn't buy all 9 days but we can purchase final two days for $115. First civilian gondola was no sweat at all. Light was a little flat today with overcast sky's and temperatures in the teens and 20s. Started with amphitheater to the thunder chair. Up thunder grand and grand woods to sublettes. Snow was nice and soft and chalky. Yesterday was apparently warm so some areas were a bit stiff. Up sublettes down Bivoac which was groomed. Checked out Bivoac woods which weren't bad. Rendezvous trail already kind of skied off. Up sublettes again down ten sleep bowl which was very nice to the cirque which was variable into amphitheater and up thunder again down grand and the left side woods to sublette. Also skied a run down Bernies bowl from the sublette and it had some frozen crud and some chalk. Always fun navigating through the slots between cliff are On the sublette chair we met a guy from Arlington Virginia a mile from my parents named Russell. He was a snowboarder and a nice guy and had never skied the hobacks and he followed us to the hobacks..entrance wasn't bad and the run was like my third favorite Katie perry song..hot and cold. Good leg burn as its over 3400 very total from the top of the sublette chair. Then Union pass to the base. Russell was going back to the hostel where he was staying for $35 a night to drop some stuff off or have lunch. Then we took teewinot which had a decent crowd. There was racing going on off the Teton lift to apres vous as well. I saw about two dozen racer kids at pearl street bagels at 6:35am going HAM on $5 bagel sangs and $4 OJs. Why do racer kids have to be so rich. When I was their age I was happy with a Capri sun. Up apres vous doodled down crowded groomer to the new Teton lift and a lot of the best terrain up there was closed due to the races. Took a herb root cut over past Casper chair down a blue that still had fresh cord past the stash park then down to Ashley ridge to the mangy moose for late lunch and beers. Now sitting on the 230pm town bus waiting for it to leave. I'll post pictures later when atomic Jeff increases my allowed file size as most of my pictures from my iPhone 6s are to large to upload. Oh yeah and it's snowing and tomorrow and Monday are gonna be powder days. A decent first day not a huge vert day with around 18k of vert but skiing the hobacks and Bernies bowl and some runs is A ok in my book. 13th trip to Jackson hole. I know this mountain so well. Prob skied 2 million vert here lyfetime and over 75 days. Whahahahaooey
  23. You made it have fun!!!!
  24. Toast go skiing.
  25. Wow just wow how deep is it.
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