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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I bet you'll volunteer for morning sweep tomorrow.
  2. Cool we need someone to replace Vinny and DHarrisburg.
  3. Tubing will be open real soon.
  4. It's dumb pay extra for a small chance you might save some money next year. I'd have to find out price and history of season length in order to do a full cost benefit analysis.
  5. Hey all, Looks like this coming weekend will be the first weekend of the Blue mountain ski season. Who's gonna be at Pennsylvanias best ski area? I'll be there Saturday and Sunday and am looking forward to comfortable temperatures for some parking lot beer drinking. Last year blue was already open 6 weeks by now so we have some catching up to do. Ski everyone this weekend.
  6. Gonna be cold enough for bear creek to open soon.
  7. So you have to pay extra for an insurance policy.
  8. Don't believe what the guy on FB page says. Not fighting.
  9. What happens if elk doesn't stay open 100 days?? Do pass holders get money back.
  10. I don't believe that. Bet it's open this weekend.
  11. They haven't been able to blow as much as two weeks ago. At least so far. I'm hoping they have the six pack open for next weekend.
  12. A pump broke last go around
  13. My lower leg muscle is sore from power walking so bailing on JH
  14. That's just my guess.
  15. Face shots in the glades.
  16. They've only had two nights of snowmaking so far. I'm thinking probably Friday for their reopening. They probably wanna just go hardcore during the cold with having to groom or operate.
  17. Strike 2
  18. Yeah and they are gonna use the fluffer attachment on their groomers just for you.
  19. They need to start moving to other terrain. Get as much open as possible work on the little trails. X-ing, crossover, Barneys, Falls, shuttle, connector. They could have 20 trails for the weekend and three roots.
  20. Your welcome and anytime!!!
  21. Guns are back on.
  22. Dream weaver was named after a song that was in Wayne's World.
  23. Wasn't at blue last season at all. My favorite was the one GoPro video he shot going down lazy mile and one by one all the PASRs flew by him.
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