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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. He said he's not good with pics. Were lift lines long?? Wow Okemo has more skiable terrain than Killington. Lift tickets tomorrow at Okemo are only $39 with 5 cans of food. Not bad since they are charging $69 normally. It said a real easy lift card is also required for that deal which costs $5 so really $44 plus five cans of food.
  2. Blue should be able to blow again tonight for a few hours then almost 2 weeks of lows in the 30s and highs in the 40s and 50s.
  3. Look at all the cars in the lot..lots of $40k and $50k cars and above. I'm guessing average family income of average goobers at Blue has to be into the 6 figures.
  4. Their location within an hour and a half of the wealthiest people in the country means their pricing is not an issue.
  5. They should charge full price from the start to keep crowds down.
  6. Doubt it poconoOceanCity will prob be holiday pricing. Once they have lazy mile open its full price. They usually charge about $40 when it's just Main Street.
  7. You remember how to ski???
  8. Nice take some pictures!!!!
  9. I don't think you have to sign anything to get a payroll check. If you give social security number and if you have any dependents I think that's all they need to give to payroll company. Anyway your boss is gonna have to give you a W2 form for all those non payroll checks you received in 2015. It's required for anybody who makes over $600 on the books. Your boss will benefit because he won't have to pay your social security match so instead of paying 6.2% social security taxes you'll have to pay 12.4% essentially when you were paid a personal check vs a payroll check you were working as an independent contractor. If you get audited you can't counter sue you knew what was going on.
  10. Oh well for taking trash out of offices your insurance will be tiny. Honestly if you get paid under the table you still have to pay tax on it..most don't but its still income. It's one of those situations where if a tree falls in the woods and nobody sees it fall did it still fall. If your boss ever gets audited and they need explanation for where the money went and he says he paid you X amount of dollars then yeah you're gonna owe the IRS money in federal taxes plus state taxes plus social security plus Medicare plus city taxes. How do you get a paystub without signing a form. How did your boss get your social security number Shadows was your boss paying you in cash or writing you personal checks??
  11. Hats off to the snowmakers...
  12. If you default on loans they can take property or garnish wages..that doesn't mean they will but its a threat. For insurance I'm thinking max $10,000 a year. It's mainly if you cause damage on a property you are working on. PoconoOceanCity can possibly give you a better idea of insurance needed for washing buildings. We're a small business with 4 employees and don't pay much more than $20,000 a year insurance and we carry $2 million in coverage in case we are sued. That would be like if a tombstone falls on somebody or something but the odds of that are so slim.
  13. Doesn't look good!!! http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/el-nino-to-deliver-warmth-eastern-central-us-december-january-polar-vortex-locked/53959011 The last major El NiƱo 97/98 was a terrible season for blue mountain. They opened in late December but had to shut down for awhile in early to mid January and closed for the season by mid march. I skied camelback when I was home for spring break and only Marjies and a few other front trails were open. Northern Vermont had a decent season with alot of early snow with 100% of the terrain open at Stowe and sugarbush by early December followed by a major ice storm in early January and a massive meltdown in late march with 80 degree temperatures in the mountains.
  14. You can write off a large percentage of your auto expenses, a percentage of your rent if you have a home office, any clothing necessary for your business, supplies, office equipment, phone service and even meals on the road. Your student loan has nothing to do with your business. The only think it can do is lower your credit score if you missed some payments which makes it less likely to get a business loan with good terms. The main difference between an LLC and sole proprietorship is that you and your business are one entity with a sole proprietorship while in an LLC they are different entities. To form an LLC takes much more expense, effort, paperwork and jumping through hoops while starting a business as a sole proprietorship is very easy and inexpensive which is why most small businesses start as a sole proprietorship. Other types of businesses would be a partnership and a corporation. Here you go about student loans. You can't write off student loan payments but if you buy business books or take seminars you can write those things off. http://thelawdictionary.org/article/as-a-sole-proprietor-can-i-write-off-my-student-loan-payments/
  15. For a business bank account you just go to the bank and set one up and they'll provide you with a different set of checks and deposit slips and ledger sheets and what not for a nominal fee. For insurance we use Arbor insurance which is near cedar crest BLVD in west Allentown. We get all out insurance except health insurance from them. Truck, workmans comp..various liability insurance. Look for a full service insurance agency. You probably want to set up your business as a sole proprietorship vs an LLC..limited liability company as its easier to form. Disadvantage of a sole proprietorship is that you and the business are one entity so your personal assets could be at risk to pay off any unpaid debts whereas an LLC is a seperate entity. Here's a link to the small business administration. https://www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/starting-managing-business
  16. Time to watch the snow blue blew for a few hours melt in the warmth and sunshine.
  17. Shadows what's the question??? I'm business savvy.. RideDE you been riding every day??? I'm looking forward to hearing opening week reports from you around February.
  18. 29 degrees in Allentown and 34 at mount pocono. Mad inversion yo!!! Blue is blowing snow in the valley and on lower Main Street...not on vista.
  19. I don't do software updates on iPhone.
  20. Congrats Ridge..
  21. Nothing is gonna be happening at blue the next few days. Maybe a little wasted snowmaking Ridge when did you get married again??
  22. U going to BB this weekend??
  23. They could prob blow a few hours tonight and tomorrow night but it will just melt
  24. If this forecast holds even partially true Blue might be able to get Main Street open for XMAS eve!!!
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