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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. If there's absolutely no season I think they would give us vouchers for a 2016-17 season pass...if its just a partial season which is likely than we are SOL although there will likely be a season passholder party on a Sunday at 430pm in the upper lodge..stop in for a hot dog sang and slice of bday cake.
  2. I don't care about Jack Frost/big boulder people cause they obviously have a few screws loose picking the inferior mountain.
  3. No need there's a webcam.
  4. What do you car you don't ride at Blue.
  5. No access to it at all. Lower Main Street now is better than what big boulder offers and unfortunately most of that will melt in the next two weeks. It's crazy how much better the snowmaking is on lower Main Street than homestretch.
  6. Those are all sunk costs and you've already been out twice. When its January 15th and blue is still closed that's when you panic. It's still only December 8th. As I have said before with climate change we are gonna eventually have a year with no ski season here. This might be it.
  7. I agree but they don't need to offer discounts on weekends cause they already pack em in at full price.
  8. TP4 quit your panicking ski season will come eventually. We have all of January, February and march. I think BB will be open this weekend but just freedom.
  9. Wow long range got alot warmer. XMAS week at blue would be a miracle.
  10. Yeah equivalent to driving to Maine...I didnt miss any skiing, I just missed some sleep.
  11. They blew again...that's four mornings in a row. That has to be some kind of record!!!
  12. Up to 30" is forecast for the Tetons over the next couple days...not a huge storm but a couple of back to back disturbances. I'm rooting for a good XMAS week for Jackson hole cause my friend is going for the first time and I hope alot of the good terrain is open for him. He's bringing his intermediate girlfriend but she'll enjoy Casper and après Vous and some of the gondola terrain... My gnarliest jackson hole trip was back in 2009...I booked 9 nights at the Antler. My flight to Chicago went fine without a hitch and I boarded a full flight to Jackson hole on time with an expected landing in Jackson at noonish. Well over Jackson visibility was nonexistent so we ended up being diverted to Denver. There was a logjam at the Denver airport and they even suggested people flying back to Chicago and trying a flight the following day. After a long wait they were like how about we put you on a flight to San Fran then Pocatello Idaho then a shuttle bus to Jackson that won't run cause teton pass is closed...oh no luckily got my bags. Went to Hertz rent a car was already like 3pm got a Subaru impreza wagon and on my way to Jackson. West to Denver on 70 then north on I-15 to Wyoming then west on I-80 which crosses at least three mountain passes and there was a snowstorm. Stopped in Cheyenne for a gas station supper got papers rolled a doobie. Continued through a snowstorm to I-91 in southwestern Wyoming in Rock Springs. Flea bag hotels were $100-$120 a night and I contemplated spending the night and waking up hella early and driving the rest of the way straight to the ski resort but I had a room at the 49er and only another 180 miles left in a 500+ mile drive after a short flight and a long flight and a few hours each on three airports. Headed north on I-91 signs said no plowing after 8PM..it was now approaching midnight and was boot deep on the road. Not many cars and a few large tractor trailers making their way north to Pinedale and Jackson hole. At some point I was tired and even listening to 80s radio and singing the lyrics to Eddie Murphy's Party All the Time wasnt keeping me up so I pulled over in a parking area and took a power nap. Then continued on white knuckle roads going 25-35mph and slower in some gnarly curves. Made it into Jackson hole at like 430-5am checked in about 16 hours late..power napped was on 8am bus like 12-16" new snow and snowing. Line for tram and gondola insane got to the front of singles like on Teewinot and was on my nordica blowers for the first time in powder. Passed a couple chairs worth of Jibhonks up après Vous first run untracked under AV lift did Saratoga bowl next then got untracked in Casper...then got untracked in the nooks and crannies off thunder and sublette lower faces...exhaustion took town bus back got rental back to airport was like $250 for 24 hour rental then cab ride back to town from airport. Skied a few more days alone then my buddy Tom came in from bozeman and brought more safety supplies. We skied a day at Jackson and a day at targhee. Then Tom left I had one more day left my 8th ski day of the trip. There was a huge blizzard over the Tetons 20-30" inches expected. Huge early lineup started on Teewinot again untracked under après Vous lift but more wind buffed which I like alot but not the same as virgin Pow..did another run or two to the base up gondola winds see fierce tram never opened gondola didn't sublette and thunder closed fast lift stopped for awhile. At the top of gondola most were in the lodge waiting out storm. Was like a refugee camp in there. All lifts were now closed but 2800 vert of gnar lay ahead. Skied down slow and deliberate as visibility was low dilly dallied at base long line at ticket window they were offering vouchers due to lift shutdown. Waited maybe 15 minutes got voucher then went to Alpen hot which was packed sat at bar had mountaineers lunch meat cheese bread and soup and a beer and cocktail. Went to mangy moose next had a few more drinks the upstairs was open at like 12:30 and not an empty seat in there I sat at a table with random mid westerners drank from their pitcher. Around 1pm heard that the buses were running to town and snow king had over a foot of fresh. Took bus to snow king bought 2 hour ticket for like $20 got on slow double that goes 1500 vert to summit no safety bar old Riblet chair. Skied a few runs of lightly tracked powder like 3/4 of the chairs had people on em which is prob the busiest day of the year for snow king. Last run halfway down traversed as far left as I could stayed left went down someone's yards down a driveway onto a road skied downhill with speed and coast almost to the snake river brewery all downhill or flat. Took off skis walked rest of the way to 49er which is a couple blocks rebooked flights for two days out and got bonus skiing in. This was exactly when Michael phelps got busted for smoking a bong. That was the biggest news in Jackson hole. That was a good trip..cost a little more due to rental and additional hotel. I spent alot of time at the village cafe eating pizza and drinking IPAs one day I quit early and had some drinks in me. Then it started dumping and I took gondola back to the top..in lift was a medical marijuana patient from California and some Irishmen anyway had two shots of southern comfort and some loud Cali skunk and made my way through woolsy woods and into the bottom of Casper bowl and went ass over teakettle off an unexpected cat track was so well lubricated I didn't even brace for it. Skied the rest of the run with my tail between my legs. Only like 7 more weeks till I'm back in the Tetons.
  13. I saw some sweet videos of the cirque at snowbird. That's the kind of terrain I like...I wanna hit snowbird soon...bird bird bird bird is the word https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eLhjlqgBljo
  14. Is anybody gonna be at the ugly XMAS sweater party at the summit lodge on Thursday 12/17??? I'm a maybe on Facebook!!! Got my Clark Griswald sweater it's on fleek!!!
  15. I'll save that link for later when I wanna JO
  16. I've never seen it. Looked it up and it's from 2004. Haven't seen any children's movies since the 90s
  17. Did you get other car/cars shipped??? Welcome back kragan!!!
  18. Duh why would blue open this weekend..they won't be open next weekend either. Maybe the following weekend. Patience They aren't gonna let you earn turns no way...lower Main Street might still have a few patches not interconnected by the weekend.
  19. $365 million in development coming to Belleayre!!! http://unofficialnetworks.com/2015/12/365-million-belleayre-development-moves-forward
  20. Wow you went up two weekends in a row??? You're hardcore.
  21. Hahaha I'm trying to figure out when to visit my parents in arlington Virginia based on when blue will open cause I don't wanna miss opening day. I'm hoping they open the 26th and then I'll visit my parents 23-25th
  22. Blue is the only one I know of that is not open XMAS day...
  23. My apartment is mostly empty I just have a chair and a couch and a bed..I should build a model train set!!!
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