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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I think I remember that and the various Olympic runs are labeled. It's crazy how close the northern green mountains are as the crow flys from whiteface but how far the drive is. Another near thing is although whiteface seems pretty far inland, from whiteface you can see mount Mansfield and from mount Mansfield you can see mount Washington and you can see mount Washington from the southern Maine coast.
  2. I liked the report...RideDE did you ski any runs off the summit. Skiinge entire 3216 verts is quite an experience.
  3. No slander I'm looking out for you guys...
  4. As long as they build a new yurt for park Crüe to hang out and smoke in I'm happy!!!
  5. Stinky....you better take fishing lessons first.
  6. Stinky welcome to PASR...post a picture of dump truck.
  7. Can't you just ski Killington free as a Ski patroller.
  8. Oh Lordy that is weird wild stuff nyuk nyuk nyuk.
  9. Not jealous at all Dougbonics is cool it's not dorky ski patroller shiznit
  10. What does snirt mean???
  11. That is fantastic news. I once took the Amtrak from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh when I was 6
  12. You hot any elk reports from the 2009-10 season or perhaps a camelback report from 2007-08?
  13. I'm going to DC this weekend. My only time away from home all summer. Is there still a train that goes from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh.
  14. Nice report do you have any from three years ago at Sunday river??? You definitely aren't a morning person.
  15. What were you doing in Pittsburgh? And wouldn't it be the burgh? I don't know I figured reading people might go to Harrisburg.
  16. J Law what is the Burg??? Harrisburg??
  17. Not for me silly for poconoOceanCity I personally don't like tips I'm a stubborn mofo and figure things out myself.
  18. Nice seeing a fresh ski report with pictures during the dog days of summer!!! I've also passed West mountain at least 50 times...I figure prob 25 times just when I was in college and then most ski trips to northern Vermont.
  19. People always seem to get a little tipsy opening day. I remember a few years ago at Blue when it was just the Vista chair. ILikeIceCream brought donuts and AngryHugo was pretty hilarious greeting others in the lot...wazup shawty boo...sup Thanks for the Whiteface and Gore tips!!!!!
  20. Blues openings by year. 14-15....11/22 13-14....11/29 12-13....Open 12/1 and 12/2 reopened 12/26 11-12....12/16 10-11....12/11 09-10....12/13 08-09....11/28 07-08....12/7 06-07....12/8 05-06....12/2 04-05....12/17 November openings....3 First week of December openings...3 Second week of December openings...3 Third week of December openings..2 The mean is around 12/6 But no Blue in march...
  21. I'll compile the opening dates from the last ten years in a little bit. Definitely a few late openers and a few years ago after a vista opening they were closed until December 26th In 2001 blue wasnt open until after XMAS. I skied hunter right before XMAS and two runs open
  22. PoconoOceanCity the early openings were a fluke.
  23. JLaw got up early to ride wow just wow. It was called trexler game preserve not Trexlertown lol
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