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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Shadows, falls is at blue and blues tubing is safe. We are talking about Bear Creek.
  2. Was just thinking that. Last year he met a girl on the trail he fingerbanged
  3. 4 mc nuggets is $2.49....hamburger sang is only 90 cents. Burger King has 10 nuggets for $1.49 but they are not good.
  4. I bet visits are up at Blue...and TP4 u can get alot off the dollar menu for $8
  5. Wow just wow...reminds me of my third favorite Weezer song,"Say It Aint So" nyuk nyuk nyuk
  6. Wow that is some weird wild stuff!!!! Do you get sore riding a motorcycle? I only ask cause I've never been on one.
  7. Barb what kind of shitty meals along the way??? Like diners, drive inns and dives?? Do you guys camp or stay in hotels?? Anyway it's only an hour flight from Denver and if you stay in town you don't need a car!!!
  8. No shadows I don't think it's about tampons something in the raver/drug/swinger culture. Barb how was Jackson hole? I've never been there in the summer and don't know if I ever will. Did you take the tram up to the top of the ski area?? Eat anywhere good? Yeah Barb I recognize the town square been there 12 times
  9. I wanna fly a kite wahahahahooey
  10. What's not to understand VTMarks girlfriend wanted to charge her wand.
  11. What kind of parking lot improvements??
  12. Half the people at the bar have kids and they still drop $20-$50 every night they go out and most of em don't make much money. Then they end up in work release for not paying child support.
  13. The last day of summer is my favorite day of summer
  14. Go to college, finish college, get a job, stay at job...get raises/benefits. And for many also get married so two incomes. Boring why aren't more people hitch hiking across the country!!!!
  15. Well it's the last day of spring. Closing in on the halfway point of the offseason..ski season is just around the corner down a long hallway and around another corner!!!! Anyway I miss skiing and tailgating will all y'all even Toast!!
  16. ZZSlope what car is that???
  17. Wow they prob lost $4-$5k.
  18. Toast left Subaru cause he's rich now and can afford a $45,000 car.
  19. Congrats why PA delivery.
  20. I like getting likes.
  21. Dan is that a new purchase??
  22. Molly/Sebastian Prosser was saying cheeseburgers are gonna be $8
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