Nice especially considering the recent warmth and thunderstorms have vaporized the superstar glacier!!!! U straight Kill'n it at Kill'n 'ton...RideDE...boom
We got ten minutes of rain. Let it be dry all summer so people don't have to mow lawns. Also save the precipitation for the fall to fill snowmaking ponds and for winter for rain sleet freezing rain and snow.
I don't own a suit. When I go to weddings I wear khaki pants, dress shirt and a sport coat. I gave up ties for lent. I also gave up fat women. Sorry Shoshanna.
If you wanna look good rock a silk pocket square as well!!!
Shadows what do you need fancy clothes for??? Macy's is prob a good in between place..I mostly shop at Kohls but I dress like a slob.
Shadows this is the weather discussion start a new thread. Also you can't go wrong with mock turtlenecks. When I wear my maroon mock they call me sir at Arbys