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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Still in line for gondola. 2.5 hours so far in line.
  2. Saltyant are you checking the webcam with you pecker out.
  3. Delayed opening again today. Bombs still going off. Teewinot and sweet water loading.
  4. Clearing snow off the Sublette chair. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn9sNSqJXZa/?hl=en
  5. 23 minutes till opening if they open on time.
  6. A little farther back in the singles line today. Tickets are sold out.
  7. But only 11” overnight.
  8. Blue is blowing!!!
  9. 1/27/22 Jackson Hole day 3 of 7 Hey All, I’m back from another fun day at Jackson hole mountain resort. Me, Atomic Jeff, NMSki and Mute left for the mountain at 7:25am…arrived around 8am and were in line by 8:15am and were about 12-15 in the singles line for the gondola. Due to avalanche control work, the gondola didn’t open until about 9:50am as there was 16” of new snow as of the 6am report and several more inches. Up the gondola and Amphitheater which at first was knee deep then even deeper…was more of a weekend type of crowd with a lot more females than normal and high school kids playing hooky..the stoke was higher than cheech and Chong in Up in Smoke. People were letting out some serious orgasm noises…oh yeah oh yeah yewwww woo woo hee haw hee haw lol. First run I had prob 30 face shots… Thunder wasn’t running yet but started a few minutes later and went down the left side of Grand where all the Perder pictures were from. It was truly fantastic..prob 20-25” deep is my guess untouched. While fun, it was a workout and I was using muscles I didn’t even know I had. While I’m a very competent powder skier, it’s not often I get to ski snow this deep. Up Sublette and ten sleep bowl to the cirque and only a handful of people had been in this area. Again deep deep deep the line NMSki and Mute took further left was pretty epic and I was a little more to the right which ended in a gully choke full of..no not nuts..powder. Instead of skiing amphitheater back to the Thunder chair which was now completely filled with people and I’m sure totally skied off, we went left a bit down Nez Perce traverse then right into the south facing steep slopes leading back to the Thunder chair. It was mostly untracked but not as bonerific as Grand and the Cirque. By now Thunder had a really long line… Up Thunder and back to far left of Grand again, while not untracked like 45 minutes prior, probably half my turns were untracked so still alot of face shots and powder poofs. Got to the Sublette chair and it wasn’t running due to high winds near the top. We wanted to take Sublette to get the the hobacks but that means the Hobacks will be even better tomorrow as most people who take the hobacks take the Sublette chair as it has 4 times the uphill capacity as the Tram. We then took the south pass traverse to the north Colter ridge area which was mostly untracked but getting skied up…I didn’t have a fall but I had a bit of a spin out where I ended up facing uphill with my skis in a reverse snowplow..I’m an agile mofo so no issues getting turned back around. Then near the bottom my legs were really starting to feel it so I sat down for a few, text the boys that I’d meet them at the bottom and took a few pictures. Then skied the rest like a fucking champion..for a moment I was Owen Leaper skiing that lower mountain hippie bowl or Jean Claude Killy…union pass had a massive line..went to the base and was about noon…me and atomic Jeff decided to end on a high note and NMSki and Mute took one more run off the Gondola. You all might wonder where was the star of the trip, NazarethSkier Jay, woo jay had a nice leisurely breakfast and took his hotel shuttle to the hill and perhaps got even more fresh than us off the Teton lift and Saratoga bowl..while eating lunch at the Alpenhof he even FaceTimed AtomicSkier and he was so giddy it was like he got the golden ticket and didn’t even fall into the chocolate river. These are the best of times in Jackson hole. It wasn’t as light and dry as the 22” day back in 2006 but we skied way more untracked powder today and it was deeper. Tomorrow might even be deeper than today. Today was one of those days where the afterglow will last for days and weeks. I chose a good time to come here I will say as I picked the dates. A week earlier or a week later would be totally different. JADIP
  10. Current view taking a breather.
  11. First run nipple deep
  12. Still waiting for gondola to open. Reminds me of the @Johnny Styleyear.
  13. Waiting for avalanche bombing to end.
  14. Do you like cord better than perd?
  15. Could be good today. Only 40 more minutes if lifts open on time. Bombs going off.
  16. Maybe I’ll ski to the bagel place
  17. You’ll get sunshine at least. Me and atomic Jeff’s last ski day is Tuesdays, the others last ski day is Sunday.
  18. Did you ever get in touch with the guy from York? Reminds me of peppermint Pattie’s.
  19. Going to Hatch which is high end Mexican food. I’ve never been at the mangy moose at night. We were there earlier. It’s not going to snow 50” all at once but overnight it’s supposed to snow 8-12” in the mountains and 11-17” tomorrow.
  20. It could end up being 50”+ in this cycle. NOAA is showing 30-50” and that’s just through Saturday night and should keep going into Sunday. Winter storm warning is in effect until Sunday morning..
  21. January 26th…day 2 of 7. Hey All, I’m back from another fun day at Jackson Hole. Today was in the single digits to start with a trace of new snow that skied more like 1-2”. Second civilian gondola today and I saw my snowboarder buddy from Florida who’s always here this time of year and exchanged a few pleasantries..then it was time to ski. Amphitheater was really good again and I milked it about because visibility was bad. Up Thunder and down Grand which was some of the best non pow day conditions..up Sublette and a run down Rendevous train then up Sublette again to Bivoac woods to Bivoac…the boys wanted to ski the Hobacks and I didn’t really want to do split up for a few runs and while they were in the Hobbers I did a quick lap off thunder the. Went all the way to the base via Nez Perce traverse, Casper area, south pass traverse and teewinot..I was at the base a bit early so went up teewinot and at the top of that had a text from atomic Jeff that they were on union pass so went back to the base and even on the lower mountain the snow was really good. The only bad snow was in Casper area cause it was busy there. Up Apres vous and some did saratoga bowl some St. John’s and buck and I skied a combination of stuff. I think Ryan, mute and NMSki also skied Moran area. It was supposed to be just cloudy but it snowed the entire day base to summit. Had a nice lunch at the mangy moose and some pitchers and left a fat tip for the waitress because she deserved us for putting up with a bunch of Chuckleheads. The old man at the next table even gave us some of his sausage..that was kind. Not many pictures today but I’ll post a few.
  22. Hopefully is high of 36 low of 26 like Blues website says. Ok my phone is getting wet. @saltyant is in charge.
  23. What’s the food? I can’t tell through my googles
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