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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Nothing else really, remember killington with @Dan- Try to arrive for opening. I think it’s gonna be busy.
  2. Gary Poppa is a blast from the past. I remember him on Philly news when I was a kid.
  3. XNick I think the last time I saw you, you had braces
  4. Big pocono and uncle bills way opens tomorrow at the Toe
  5. Airhead are you heading back out there?
  6. I have more faith in Eileen
  7. Sheesh I’ll treat Pops and Enjo to that sometime. Gotta get there right at noon when the buffet is fresh.
  8. This guy skis the spine at ABasin the way we ski down main street. Insane ripping..I love that chalky wind buff snow.
  9. Hey All, Its almost another weekend, is anybody planning on skiing Blue mountain the true mountain? I’ll be up Saturday and probably not Sunday. Weather looks nice party cloudy and in the 30s on Saturday and Sunday looks cloudier with perhaps some mixed precipitation moving in later in the day. I think it will be busy so arrive early..
  10. With the amount of lift capacity they now have, I don’t see long lines in peak times if all three high speeds are running.
  11. I just checked the webcam and saw zero people but the quad and new lift are running.
  12. I have 5G now cause of the Fauci Ouchie
  13. I’m sure you’ll be able to use this one for a few more years until they start just microchipping us..
  14. They may have made extra money selling only 8 hour tickets..for all the complainers who didn’t go a lot of people shelled out way more Johnny cash to experience a taste of winter in snowless PA. I feel like temporarily eliminating the 4 hour pass option is bad for customer goodwill along with charging season pass holders $20 if they forget their pass. Heck I’ve been using the same pass since 2017-18 season I’m not paying $20.
  15. 4 hour tickets are back at Blue.
  16. Yeah the balancing act…I know somebody who was just at the reading royals with his family and the ticket price included a hot dog and a soda. At ABasin they sell a lift ticket that includes a voucher for a Bloody Mary and it’s only like $2 more and they charge $9 for it. The problem is I want to follow that up with a beer or two then have a soft pretzel and give a nice tip so it’s never just $2.
  17. It really is and fantastic news, there’s going to be races on razors this weekend we can watch from the lift.
  18. 4 hour tickets are back at Blue. Should make mornings a little busier. As I told a few people, the 8 hour only ticket is perfect for the majority who roll out of bed at 830 on their day off and aren’t pulling into the lower lot until I’m debooting it’s cool for them they can take their time ski till 5-6pm if they want. Now with 4 hour tickets you get the people who don’t have season passes who want to hit it and quit it. Good for blue for bringing that option back, it was a top complaint on their Facebook comments.
  19. That reminds me of when I had to do the Tennessee trot in college I usually went to the third floor of the library…I did some good studying in that private bathroom. Had a door that locked so nobody playing footsies with you in the next stall like a NJ turnpike rest stop bathroom.
  20. Years ago I had lunch at beaver creek and got a sandwich, gatorade and I think I bought a candy bar and like a nimrod from Iowa or somewhere I whipped out a $20 before the cashier gave me my total. It was like $35 or something. Good view though..
  21. I haven’t ventured into the cafeteria in years I think the last time was because we ran out of OJ for mimosas. That’s insane though..might as well just hit up chic fil A on the way home or change that sheesh to Sheetz and you’ll get some change back but gosh $15 for a chicken patty or even chicken breast on a roll nope
  22. Is Nikwax like waterproofing? Do you still track vertical feet skied?
  23. That was nice of Shadows to check out your report!!! I haven’t seen him at Blue in two years
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