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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Wow those hot doggers skied like out of control noodles and I guess skis didnt release back then. The one guy fell more on one run than I've fallen in the last decade.
  2. Jack Frost isn't as good skiing though. All of th options stink unless you can be at blue or cameltoe for first chair. VIP line at blue is gonna be good if they get the scanners fixed.
  3. All the places you listed are gonna be crowded..you might wanna save the PASkiandRide cards for either weekdays or less crowded weekends with bad weather and visit a less known place.
  4. Crowded everywhere its a holiday weekend and the weather looks fantastic and many goobers are just getting out for the first time now that almost 100% of the terrain is open. I'd think a lesser known place like Montage would be your best bet for avoiding liftlines. I don't think Saturday or Sunday will make much of a difference.
  5. I'm not a big fan of Burger King but I do like their zesty sauce...I didn't go HAM at sheetz on the way home..just got pretzels and a V8 from the Top Star express...was just in the mood for salty food and can't go wrong with three servings of vegetables in a 12 ounce V8..now I'm pooping. You can log it!!!
  6. +++++VIBES+++++ Dude I did something similar back when I was a fitness model. My trainer was like,"OK GrilledSteeze you already did 1,000 crunches, slow your roll" but I didn't listen...ahhhh...all that hard work and I was sidelined from one of the east coasts largest talent competitions...nicht so gut!!
  7. The named skiing segment is pure gold...and cold!!!!
  8. Johnny Law logs the poops!!!!
  9. Somebody who hates giant slalom skiing.
  10. Hey all, I'm back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 6:55PM and it was in the upper teens under dark sky's. Atomic Jeff and Johnny Law were also in the house. I was testing out my new boots for the first time and overall they were good although I'm gonna either put my old foot beds in them or get new ones. First run on Challenge was better than expected. It was smooth with just a few areas of boilerplate. Atomic Jeff was having season pass issues so got a new pass and so I hung around for a few minutes surrounds by all the groms who were out. Seemed like more people were standing around blocking the few functioning turnstyles than skiing. Nightmare to Dreamweaver was alright, not as good as challenge and they were blowing snow right where Dreamweaver intersects with Paradise. Switchback was gnarly..not that good so only skied it once..it was slick especially the middle section. Not often I are Atomic Jeff do a controlled skid. Back to challenge some more and near the end of our session we discovered that Main Street was pretty good so skied that a few times. I've been slacking on night skiing this season so it was nice to get out. Today was day 20 for me so I should get to around 60 or so..maybe more. Back to the lot around 9ish and it was frigid with the temperature in the low teens and frost on all the cars. I had a peanut butter chocolate beer in the P-lot..then followed Johnny Law behind a driver who was slow as fuck all the way to the Treichlers bridge. Got $20 worth of gas and it almost filled my tank up..JADIP..I'll prob be out next either Thursday night or Friday morning.
  11. I know Toast..and after a bunch of Chinese food and beers I'm 230 easy..
  12. I'll let Atomic Jeff do that. The only thing I use a screwdriver for is screwing on bronze scrolls onto bronze markers.. J-Law see u at Blue in two hours!!
  13. Bring your scale I'll strip to my boxers..and it's irrelevant everything 210+ is the same on the chart.
  14. They are in fact Hawx boots...what kind of pissed me off is I told them I'm 5'11...220 pounds..type 3 skier..age 35. Well my DINs were set at 10...and they changed the DINs to 8.5 which I'm not happy about...is that a big difference and is it easy to change the DIN??? Perhaps with a screwdriver in the parking lot at Blue or maybe when atomic Jeff tunes my skis. Edit: I just looked at the DIN calculator..if I would have said I was type 3+ which I didn't even know existed they would have kept my DINs at 10...SMHerman..
  15. Sabba check out the 1/10/15 report for Johnny laws explanation.
  16. I think it's the Hawx..I could have saved a hundred or so online but I'm cool with supporting small family businesses.
  17. 317 to 315 BSL No idea what the model is.
  18. I just bought new ski boots from Sports Chalet. Atomic 110s..they are nicer than my Nordicas and fit great...they are including adjusting them to my two pairs of skis and didnt charge me tax since I paid in cash. Now gotta get 4-5 days on em before JH to break em in.
  19. I had a 90 Jetta in high school and first year of college then a 99 Jetta the rest of college.
  20. Wow your car sounds high maintanance. Matt edge likes to park at the top so he can start with his signature run...vista to chute.
  21. Same thing with Blue...it's why the bottom lot is ideal...easy exit!!!
  22. Yup...at my local bar they have like an A-team, B-team and backups for bartenders. Nothing worse from a business perspective as a customer walking out because they aren't served fast enough. One of the A-team bartenders usually bartends alone on karaoke night which usually has 50-75 people and that number of people is no sweat for her. She sometimes lets me hangout after hours and count up her tips and some nights she's pulling over $500 in tips. The crap tips the college kids leave are cancelled out by the regulars and professional types who tip generously. Best of all she's gonna let me guest bartend sometime..shit could get rowdy
  23. My local bartender says that she was taught in bartending school to put out 7 drinks per 2 minutes and admittedly at my local bar if there's 150 people there and only two bartenders, I get served in about a minute.
  24. 10 minutes to get a beer and a shot doesn't seem that out of line. Was that at the bar of at a table? Their cafeteria set up in the summit lodge is incredibly slow. Lower lodge is incredibly fast. Anybody try the fish and chip stand at the base? Costs more for fish and child than most gastro pubs. Why I usually hit up sheetz on the way home.
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