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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. As long as it continues to stay overcast the temperatures aren't gonna drop much overnight...the forecast for today went from mostly sunny to partly sunny and its like 100% cloudy right now. Tonight is supposed to be mostly cloudy and low of 27 for the Lehigh valley..this morning it was supposed to go down to 29 and went down to 35ish. A disturbing trend. Moderate winds aren't helping drop the temperatures overnight either. We need clear sky's and calm winds for maximum radiational cooling. I don't ever remember such a cloudy period. I think I've worn my sunglasses once out of my ten days skiing this season in the parking lot or driving up.
  2. Blue also blew on razors but it will all melt this afternoon and top 2/3 of paradise. Blue is way more agressive with snowmaking than Jack Frost and I'm sure a much larger budget.
  3. Hey all, I'm back from a quick session at Blue mountain the true mountain. It was 37 degrees at 1130am when I pulled into the lower lot and there were only a few dozen cars but the lower lot is still season passholders only. Alot of people pulling into the lower lot and then turning around and going up to the summit lodge. A small amount of snow was blown on Razors, Paradise and Lazy Mile in the early morning hours. First run I skied Paradise and it was pretty smooth and winter like on the top 2/3 and only a few people. Bottom third was choppy semi springlike and lots of people. Homestretch definitely didnt set up and was slushy. Lower paradise and parts of homestretch are getting thin. Lazy mile wasnt that good..pretty choppy and boarders all over the place. Usually weekdays are mostly mellow old people wearing fartbags and skiing on 15 year old Rossi bandits and Salomen x-screams and while they were out there were alot of young boarders out probably cause most colleges are on winter break. Everybody I talked to was out for their first day. A shame as conditions were NPG not particularly good. Rodney and his MILFs were out hanging out at the perch, making bird noises and parking lot pimping. Main Street was chop city probably the worst kind of spring snow. Not corn or slush just stuff sludge..with boilerplate on the lower left. I didn't ski the bumps. I ended up skiing paradise the most as it was most pleasent. When I left at 1ish it was still 37 degrees and the predicted sunshine never materialized. Lets all hope it gets real cold tonight and especially tomorrow night so blew can blow a d the sludge can set up. I'll take icy death and sticky new manmade over thick sludge.
  4. Thought it was Romeo posting at first.
  5. Very cool for Sno-tage to get open so early.
  6. Have fun out there. I'm heading up to blue in like an hour. Moving Slowwwwww
  7. First of all if you are set on skiing Vermont over XMAS week you can likely find lodging away from the ski areas..I'm talking like Bennington for mount snow, Rutland for Killington...etc. depending on how much snow the local mountains can produce in the next few marginal nights combined with the forecasted rain Monday-Wednesday...we could be left with just a few local skiing options if any so you are smart to be sure and get it in this weekend before a possible suspension of skiing. Best local terrain is obviously Blue you answered your own question already. Camelback is kind of junky..jack frost is ok if you just wanna butter around I doubt the glades are gonna be skiable. Hunter is a good option if you want more variety of terrain and interesting terrain. Might be worth an overnight to make the longer drive more worth it. I hope the weather forecast gets better but it usually doesn't..I think it's rained like 6 out of the last 10 XMAS's. 50s and rain next week with above freezing overnight temperatures reminds me of my favorite 90s video game..mortal kombat...blue mountain is getting beat up and is trying to fight back and the aggressor Mother Nature is about to say..finish him and deal blue mountain the death blow. Wait wow is blue mountain a man...wow makes me wonder...so wait does that mean that when I say I'm Tangled up in blue...oh snap nevermind woo
  8. That looks sweet but I'm guessing it would only be a blue square at Colorado. My dream is to ski a black diamond like this!!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GckhXd3T03k
  9. Another night it didnt get as low as predicted. That cloud cover and wind is a real Herman shaker...maybe tonight they'll be able to blow in the valley or likely tomorrow night. Seems like the valley is just holding on and needs a few lyfe lines..I think Blue mountain is gonna have to phone a friend..preferably Mother Nature to drop the temperature down a few degrees. Regis would agree even though he's probably a darn snowboarder...
  10. I like the early morning super firm cause of the cord but doesn't matter tomorrow anyway. Dude at the bar is skiing tomorrow and he was grilling me what time I was skiing tomorrow cause he's gonna be there. I said I'll be there about an hour after I wake up lol. That mid day sun will be nice...my gog tab is weak sauce.
  11. If humidity is under 27.5% u can blow snow!!!!
  12. What's the current temperature at Mount Mik?
  13. The temperature is actually dropping was 50 degrees earlier now 40. In the low to mid 30s in the poke n hoes. My prediction is the guns get turned back on at Blue between midnight and 2am if they get the ok from Sara!!
  14. Yup lets all hope it gets below freezing tonight to set the snow up and colder Friday night for blowing. It's not even about having more terrain open for the holiday. Just maintaining existing terrain at least at blue. I just looked at Bear Creek webcams and it doesn't look as bad as I thought. They have to really pray for cold to even be open over the holidays.
  15. No it's to celebrate their 30th anniversary
  16. According to their website opening is still tomorrow and lift tickets are only $19.84
  17. Now saying 23 degrees for Friday night for Allentown..maybe blue can get a good several hours of snowmaking on paradise and homestretch to give em some Lyfe.
  18. I've had two pairs of ski pants in the last 9 years and one helmet. I haven't skimped on new gear cause I can't afford it. I'm just lazy. What kind of truck did you buy?
  19. Sounds good Shadows...remember if you can save $100 a week for a year that's 5 grand which is a good buffet for future emergencies and lyfe!!!!
  20. Are they opening tomorrow??
  21. Snow likely Saturday night but not cold enough to blow snow. I'm gonna be driving back from DC on XMAS
  22. I heard its paradise out there for train lovers.
  23. Yeah TNT I'm not expecting very big crowds this weekend. Won't be crowded at Blue until 12/26 It's already exceeded the forecasted high temperature of 48 as its 49 degrees. Again temperatures have not getting as cool overnight as predicted due to all the continued cloud cover. Partly sunny forecasts lately have turned into mostly cloudy. That's a real hermanshaker. Anyway I'm looking forward to skiing blue tomorrow morning!!! Indiggio is right about temperatures trending upwards into next week. At least 5-8 degrees. Not good. Any word on the possible XMAS snowstorm?
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