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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Don't think so check their website. Spring mountain is irrelevant.
  2. Welcome back Santa!!! Why did u stop posting?
  3. I wish I had some popcorn.
  4. I think you are looking into this more than necessary. That cold spell two weeks ago was awfully early and how were they to know December would start out warm. Sno-tage is in a tough location being farther than the other pocono areas from Philly and the Lehigh valley. They do have the city of Scranton right there but from what I remember Scranton is pretty poor. I could watch that video Johnny law posted all day. And Sara now I have the hall and Oates song Sara smile stuck in my head. Thanks.
  5. Largest/longes topic since October 2011 in the Sno-tage forum or on all of PASR?
  6. What dirty little secrets??? Isn't that a song? All American rejects. Anyway Sara you should come down to Blue and ski with us this weekend!!!!!
  7. Sara we never have humidity below 20% we aren't in a desert and the horses here have names. Our humidity is generally 40-80% if its not precipitating. I've never seen a local ski resort blow snow below about 33 degrees and usually they don't bother unless its in the upper 20s or lower for solid production. Also the low temperature this time of year is not from 3-6am it's generally around 7am just as its getting light. Also it's not always cooler up high deep valleys are often much cooler during the early morning than the surrounding mountains. Anyway you slice it or dice it Sno-tage fucked up majorly by not taking advantage of the recent cold weather to blow snow. It may Jeopardize their chance of being open for the holidays.
  8. Guys and gals please stay on topic.
  9. TP4 was thinking the same thing...keep your eyes on eBay and Craigslist.
  10. Hopefully Whiteface is good for you at XMAS..that's kind of early for up there but it should at least be cold enough up there for them to blow snow.
  11. Looking at the cams they lost some snow yesterday cause it was warm. The snow is slowly gonna erode away the next two weeks with the forecast so get out there and enjoy it while u can. Luckily there's enough snow on Main Street to last prob 3 weeks with no snowmaking. Hopefully they can at least get the six pack open for the XMAS holidays.
  12. That is great I'm gonna rock out to that like 24/7 now...boom. I know people say you are a few fries short of a happy meal but I think you are alright. That video made me totally forget what the fuck I was doing. Oh yeah ordering granite fun fun fun
  13. There's always been a singles line for the quad and the six pack. There used to be one for the Main Street and burma doubles. This weather is pissing me off. Doesn't look like the six pack for a couple weeks And you can always split up with your buddy if the singles line is moving quicker.
  14. SMH shaking my Herman!!!!
  15. Alot of ski areas have something like a speed pass..I know Killington is gonna have that this season..it's $199 for the season. Snowbird Utah has one for $10,000 but it includes many other benefits. Weekends mid morning the VIP line at blue can be almost as long as the regular line. It's later in the day when it's almost nothing.
  16. If you love skiing you find a way to ski..whether it means spending less on other forms of recreation and entertainment, taking on a part time job to make more income or just scaling back your lyfestyle. I knew when I was a teenager that if I wanna be a skier for lyfe I better make decent money yet back when I was in my 20s and not making much I had many rewarding ski seasons, it's just that a larger percentage of my disposable income went to skiing. There's really not much of a middle class anymore. There's a greater and greater gap between the haves and the have nots and less working class people able to crack into middle class and even if you are struggling there's still 45 million Americans, living in poverty...people not worrying if they can afford another ski trip or new hand knit jawns but if they can afford to keep the lights and heat on...
  17. Yup especially the night Richie Cunningham, Potsie and the Fonz, learned to ski.I can honestly say that those were some Happy Days.
  18. Bahahahaha epic wow just wow lolocopter
  19. Darn humidity is really high could be marginal snowmaking overnight tonight.
  20. Will be awhile until tickets crack $100 a day in PA. I know last seasons walk up rate at Vail beaver creek was $129. I bought a voucher off someone for $80 out there who would have thought an $80 lift ticket is a $50 savings. My buddy Tom balked at the $109 he paid for a one day ticket to Jackson hole. Three years ago I paid $30 daily to park at Northstar and $100 for daily lift tickets I think a three day was maybe like $290 wow big savings and that was for a handful of snowmaking runs. I bought a round for my bro in law his dad and my dad and was over $50...shits not cheap. Allentown is hella cheap. Daily $1.75 beer specials at my local bar and $1 beers Friday happy hour $3 imports.
  21. I'd wouldn't pay $1,000 but I would pay $999.
  22. I don't think I ever skied blue on a Sunday night. Always either weekday nights or weekend mornings. 4pm grooming is missed by all.
  23. I miss the good old days when a morning ticket on the weekend was I think $27 and good from 730-1230 and u could go in for an early lunch get scanned back in at 1130 and ski as long as u wanted on morning ticket. They don't even allow smoking in the cafeteria anymore. Sheryl crow says change can do you good nah that's bullshit bring back the old Blue mountain. And whatever happened to Rays grill on skis???
  24. Yup you'll have to make turns at an area in a colder microclimate like Bear creek
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