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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I really don't understand the question Romeo
  2. Platekill received 9 inches. Looking like 2-5" will fall in the poconos this afternoon and tonight. Snow showers now in Allentown and brisk.
  3. That's alot of money to spend for a new skier. Seasonal rentals seem like a good plan.
  4. Sweet and the backside of bear creek is where they filmed the movie The Goonies!!!
  5. Buckmans ski shop.
  6. Two to seven days a week...I've been slacking so far this season. Only at 6 days.
  7. We get alot more rain than snow in this part of PA...has nothing to do with Obama. I sometimes wish I was poor so Obama would give me free stuff. Whenever I see someone with a crapass smartphone, I either ask them what kind of iPhone it is or,"is that an Obama phone" yuk yuk yuk Some flurries in the air.
  8. http://www.powder7.com/Kastle-MX83-Skis-183cm-New-Flat-2014/for-sale/?utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=paid&gclid=CjwKEAiA-5-kBRDylPG5096R8mASJABqEdm4eXllSP-EAwuyuyrGxWPco-7cUAWjRLfc-D51aTFxxRoC2wDw_wcB As for the appropriate gear...depends what kind of skier you are...at Blue I just like bombing down stuff and do I minimal amount of turning because the terrain does not warrant much turning...when I'm at a bigger mountain with steeps and trees that changes. I did notice last season when I was on my Mantras that I was making a whole lot more turns and the same as when I used to ski on Atomic race skis...different slopes for different folks.
  9. RideDE are you familiar with the traverse on the long trail from the top of heavens gate to the top of Castlerock...might be fucking sick
  10. Those are similar to what nazarethSkierJay has I think his are the M88s. Kastles seem to be popular in Aspen and Jackson. I just looked up those Kastles. Last years model retail for $1179 and can be had for about $800. This years model $1249...in the words of my friend Katie...Oh Lordy
  11. OK I know atomic Jeff likes his rockered mantras better than the non rockered ones he sold me.
  12. Do you get to start early tomorrow since you are a patroller?? Radar looks awesome for sugarbush.
  13. Yeah you were saying the other week you don't like Rockered skis. Why not?
  14. Yeah but remember how cold this season started. They better pray for cold if they a be open over the holidays
  15. Wow just wow and I just did my best VTMark laugh hahahaha They'll be open tomorrow it will be snowing at Blue tomorrow in the morning and at night but prolly only a few inches. Dress warm its gonna be super windy.
  16. There's nothing to report.
  17. Very nice...only 26 days later than Blue!!!! Not much good snowmaking weather between now and then.
  18. The six pack is possible at Blue for this weekend. I don't think paradise though. And I imagine those 11 runs and 4 lifts would be in the middle of Jack Frost. Not east mountain.
  19. Probably tomorrow morning for the changeover.
  20. Jack Frost opens Friday. 11 trails and 4 lifts.
  21. This video is pretty informative http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-video/accuweather-live-winter-storm/3931868183001?channel=top_story
  22. I love this thread
  23. You are a little far west TP4 in freehold NJ there already been 2" of rain...anyway this is a 48 hour storm be patient. Haven't seen you since opening day at Blue. Where've u been hiding?
  24. It's a cold rain. Won't hurt the base much and will fill up bear creeks pond.
  25. TP4...what updates it's raining...and sorry bro its not raining men so nothing to get excited about.
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