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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Do you mean past 10am?
  2. How was it? I’m going tomorrow AM..had way to much work stuff today.
  3. I think Blue will be able to blow some snow overnight.
  4. I had six total customers in my office today and two of them were wearing masks. I almost offered to put mine on but the person who was with the two masked people was maskless.
  5. In my old apartment there was a slow leak in the bath tub and it turned out hundreds of gallons of water per week was being wasted. Now 14,000 gallons that seems like enough to fill a large swimming pool. I don’t know.
  6. That’s not that bad my business bills for utilities aren’t bad but the electric bill has gone up from about $100 per month to about $130 a month with the PpL increases. We have a dumpster so trash bill is high and getting higher. Phone bill has actually gone down with our new phone system..we have a lot of lines going and even a designated fax line that we also use for merchant services. It’s so fun paying bills…not
  7. Do you need insurance in case your moms she shed burns down or a tornado attacks the trailer court?
  8. Watch out where the huskies go and don’t you eat that yellow snow.
  9. In Allentown 2 bedrooms for $1500 are snapped up in minutes. Same ones were like $800-1100 pre china virus
  10. How much is your electric bill? I believe there’s lot rent as well for trailer courts. TP4 do you watch trailer park boys?
  11. Wow what kind of games do you like? I like Tetris and sonic the hedgehog.
  12. That’s a really good idea.
  13. Usually trailers are poorly insulated. Maybe get solar panels
  14. Nice report Toast, enjoy your last week of Xmas break…
  15. When did they open for the season?
  16. I can say I’m disappointed but that would make me a hypocrite.
  17. I got passed by Salty today on upper lazy mile…he put the hammer down while I was doodling around.
  18. That synchro skiing video was rad. Thanks for the report. There sure are alot of logistics.
  19. Hey All, I’m back from another interesting session at Blue mountain the true mountain. Everybody was in the house except for Toast and Nancy. It was around 30 degrees and initially guns were blasting on almost everything except Razors. First run on razors was ok..mostly firm and mostly smooth. Next up was Main Street and the wet guns on tuts lane owned many people. Main Street was guns top to bottom and variable…some fast spots and some slow spots. With the guns blasting on lazy and the narrow section it was mad technical. Paradise also had guns blasting as well. The guns turned off around 9ish which is about when I went to the lot. it was a very good lot with sausage Sunday which consisted of soup, sausage, brisket, shrimp and pork..was most excellent. I got to ride the scooter again and the parking lot was way smoother than the ski runs. JADIP
  20. Nice report and good news about the snow cannons!!! Gotta bring in the heavy artillery.
  21. I was in 9th grade when UVM piqued my interest.
  22. I bet they’ll want to go to college near good skiing.
  23. Coming soon is closed, you should know that.
  24. The twins will get bored of Blue and their allowance isn’t enough to buy anything but the Indy pass
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