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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Only if Tyrone was staying in Room 112 where the players dwell..I can almost guarantee this song wasn’t blasting from Ski2Lives hacienda
  2. Good thing I’m not running out of jerkoff material or I’d ask for details.
  3. I found out the reason for the new trail name Curzis Cabin. A man named Curzi has a cabin and property on the other side of the overflow lot at Blue and Blue has been trying to buy that land for years and Curzi finally sold the property as long as Blue named a trail after him. Apparently the plan is to turn the tubing area into a learning area, extend Main Street onto the current learning area and move tubing across the street.
  4. My friend lives in the Ding, not Reading but Dingmans ferry. They had a nice little snowfall up there. Looks like about 3”
  5. You always just ski one day a week.
  6. Hey All, I’m back from a quick morning session at Blue mountain the true mountain. The temperature was in the mid 30s under overcast sky’s and light winds. In the house were Atomic Jeff, Rodney, Root, Bethlehem ford guy, Harold and Oz. First civilian six pack to coming soon which had a delightful natural packed powder surface. Was really good conditions and smooth cord. The junky snow from the weekend on lower paradise was covered up and very pleasant although a little slow. Me and Atomic Jeff with Drew right in our tails lapped coming soon six times..debooted and I was back on the road headed to work at like 10:05. Here at work now already took one phone call…JADIP
  7. No Salty I party rocked Saturday night and took yesterday off.
  8. Doing a little skiing on the way to work. Gonna be a good one!!!
  9. Ben has high standards when it comes to ski conditions. Maybe he can join you on your Colorado trip.
  10. It’s not about the rating it’s about the likes.
  11. 2 stars now and BenM has been extra negative lately.
  12. I’m going to have to write my reports like this, it will get me more likes. Also salty relax.
  13. Hey All, I’m back from another fun session at Blue mountain. Everybody was in the house except for Root, Justo, Schifdawg, Shadows and ZZSlope. It was in the low 20s to start with a rising sun. The snowmaking cannons were blasting to the max on lower Main Street, midway and lazy mile. First run on Coming Soon was pretty decent but lower Paradise was bad. Solid cookies, ice and lots of people. Burma was also pretty slick and busy and the upper part of Paradise wasn’t that bad. Crowds were pretty light but the ski instructors and race team are back clogging up the terrain. I didn’t plan on hanging out in the lot long but put in a decent lot session with lots of PASRs and enjoyed cheese balls and chips. All in all it wasn’t the best skiing but was better than not skiing and got to hangout with Salty, nastar Glenn and Matt edge. JADIP
  14. I’m trying to work on my skiing sometimes slow deliberate turns come in handy. Not everything is a rush Salty.
  15. I’ve done double dip sessions a few times where I skied the fresh cord in the morning and then came back late afternoon/evening due to an incoming snowstorms and that’s still only counts as one ski day. Salty me, Law, Dirtwolf and AtomicSkier were called out for not being in front of the line at rope drop…might have been a half dozen chairs back maybe more.
  16. In about 12 hours at Blue. Salty if you show up early you can ask BenM about it while he’s booting up.
  17. Go file a butthurt report.
  18. Regardless of the snow if there’s just a handful of people on Freefall or Paradise it’s really hard to fully let the skis run. Any liftlines?
  19. Shadows text me last week.
  20. I guess just off little side hits or rollers in the terrain.
  21. Have a fun weekend…where are you going?
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