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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Nice to see they still have chairs for sale.
  2. That is a lame name..
  3. Charlestown area is going to get hard now as well.
  4. It’s 64 in my office now which is perfect.
  5. Anybody turn their heat on yet?
  6. Now that was a cool story
  7. Not lift related but people are throwing bean bags outside the summit lodge. I’m actually pretty good at that..
  8. I can see Kurt and Jimmy in the lot.
  9. If they can’t get the lift finished by opening day, they can just be open vista lift only for the JibHonks and lovers of slow deliberate turns maybe seed some moguls on upper Vista. A few strategic magic carpets and rope tows would be nice..maybe for Connector..x-ing—Barney’s bumps pod off the central Gully just north of Giraffe peak. Imagine getting off the quad and getting the last of the freshies in the glades then pounding out bumps on lower Barney’s then take the Barney’s rope tow back to connector and skate over to the prickly peacock tiki bar for a Mai Tai..
  10. Wow just wow that’s sort of the way you ski lol I’ve seen you do the ski twist on dream weaver before and it worked perfectly with the pitch and angle of the trail. I’m no Jean Claude Killy my steeze only works for me.
  11. I was watching some live feed coverage of the hurricane I think tomorrow AM the images of the aftermath are gonna be intense but for now I’ll watch this. The clickbait gets me every time.
  12. Oh I know just from helping install memorial stones. We don’t want the family there when doing the installation and sometimes they are there anyway and we’ve even had to set up cones for them to stay back. People want to help us push the buggy and shit. Hell to the no if a cemetery worker wants to assist it’s different but no way for families. And you brought up a good point.
  13. Nope just wedding, glamping and Cocktoberfest stuff.
  14. I’m gonna check Blue mountains Facebook page to see if there are any updates on the lift construction.
  15. These dumbass’s had days to move their cars to higher ground.
  16. That’s like a Pennsylvania ski area twist on the McGriddle.
  17. I’m not picking a side I like any and all drama and excitement. I’m conflicted if Covid rages bad I make more money but my life is also negatively impacted. I’m just sitting on the sidelines with popcorn waiting to see what happens. I agree about Fetterman and Shapiro winning. Dr. Oz is a joke and Dougie Mastriano is way to extreme, even a local republican I know isn’t voting for him because he doesn’t agree with his politics.
  18. The next lift Blue builds they should just have PASR take care of the project. I don’t know fuck all about construction and loads and shacks but I could run their marketing department and social media better than their entire team.
  19. It has nothing to do with an election…it’s now the fall and with colder weather people are spending more time indoors. This is the third year in a row theres been a fall surge after a decline in cases in the summer. Has nothing to do with the election. I personally think Democrats win big in congress. The R’s in the senate will lose at least one seat when Fetterman wins.
  20. Thoughts and prayers for your daughter. Also @saltyantyou really need to tone down the insensitive talk it offended Ridge
  21. Maybe we’ll see a return of ILikeIceCream
  22. Yes it will be back so please continue to mask and social distance and greet people with elbow bumps and air handshakes.
  23. I wonder if there will be a clock…if it works it will be even better. Maybe something like this and can do a brand deal with the Rolex store in the King of Prussia mall.
  24. I have two FB friends that live in the Tampa area and both freaking out about the upcoming hurricane likely cause they’re fairly new to Florida. One is escaping to Orlando and the other is staying put. They’re both utterly pissed at this hurricane.
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