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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I think they’re open Friday based on their website. I remarked that they really aren’t selling many tickets. I’m just glad they got Ski2Lives $35 dollars.
  2. MomSkeez is clearly a lesbian...wait till the PASR calendar comes out. I wonder what month Mute will be??
  3. Hey All, I’m back from another session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 830am and it was in the low 40s under partly sunny sky’s. In the house were BenM, Johnny Law, Rodney, Oz, C1er, Jimmy, Harold and many others. It’s definitely quiet with Bethlehem Ford Guy in Colorado. First civilian chair and first run on challenge was spicy with some bare areas and frozen cord. Main Street was a bit better and I enjoyed coming soon with its technical exit. My favorite run was lower widowmaker to midway to lower Main Street. The snow was fast and on midway it was the perfect early spring corn snow..I definitely milked it for an extra turn on the east facing lower left wall...milk it milk it. I skied till about 1035 and then drank two fast 12 ounce beers in the lot and was out of there before 1115. Now back at work like a dork I even resisted stopping at the doggystyle hot dog stand at the Lazarus market in Whitehall cause I had enough tubular meat on party day. JADIP
  4. What kind of skis are demons?
  5. Ive definitely done over 80mph pointing it at Jackson hole and honestly I don’t want to go those speeds again. On radar gun day in form snow years ago Atomic Jeff hit 74mph at the bottom of first razors headwall and I hit 64mph.
  6. I thought you usually try and ski pretty late into the spring...
  7. Best picture..and the best thing is people think he’s acting.
  8. There is no sleep better than after PASR party day sleep..that’s when you know that 10 seconds after your head hits the pillow it’s lights out and it’s gonna be dark when you wake up and you don’t know what day it is and had a dream that you were playing a slot machines with your dad in Atlantic City in 2009...yeah weird wild stuff. What i like about party days is that other parking lot crews join the PASRs and enjoy some of Enjorales grate cooking as well...and people are like I learned how to ski when I was 28 or 40 and pops is like 59 for me and he was hitting the glades with PSUFlyguy two weeks ago and I give Flyguy props for the beer knowledge and the parking lot longevity he has. He’s the one with the tacklebox full of beer... benM is a gaper day rockstar!!! I’m a fan... Nastar Glenn was in rare..normal form. He let out a few yips and only had three beers..he’s not good at counting. MBike mike was licking the jelly from his pre third session jelly donut from the tailgate of his pickup truck after BenM found his missing ski. I arrived at 705am it was still dark and dirtWolf was parked in my parking spot in his chair in short shorts just enjoying the sunrise.. charles was in the Hiz Ouse with flashy gear... Jimmy was talking about how in the 70s you flashed a $20 bill to the ladies at the bar and they knew they were gonna have a good time. I didn’t ask if he went to high school with the Fonz because he probably would laugh super hard or tell me Henry winklers life story. momSkeez is a badass I’ve always known it but just stating the obvious. She’s like the Johnny Law of moms about to hit up Big Sky Montana partying it up at the top and bottom lots. Game recognize game.. Skiincy Nancy enjoyed the mimosas and the commaraderie...everybody loves her dog Wally.. Enjorales..rockstar got two sessions in on the slopes and eleventeen sessions on the grill or with the torch. Sent me home with a care package of two sausages and some potatoes. Passed on the Steezy cause hit that ratchlette to the max earlier. Antman..keeping the no haircut November alive..and housed the Yum Yum Boston cream between nap number one and nap number two last night. Had a bagel and a half thanks to C1 and put some of JFSkiDans baller egg bacon casserole on it for a Steezy sangwich.. If I had 10 cents for every time Salty asked me if I wanted a yoo hoo id probably have about tree fiddy. To be continued.
  9. Lo Que Dijo and salty said he hit 100 in his sonic. He just didn’t specificy if it was miles per hours or kilometers per hour...O’Doyle rules!!!
  10. Oh it’s Oz..he’s a few fries short of a happy meal
  11. I liked seeing salty and PaRidge riding around together in the Sonic..
  12. I’m looking forward to it being a spicy meatball this weekend..that how it should be closing weekend...mad technical what what or que que for all you Spanish speaking snowsports enthusiasts.
  13. @NMSKI has plenty of towels
  14. 3/27 is a decent closing date and their opening of 12/3 was better than average..12/3-3/27 is a pretty long season for eastern PA..yes they were closed probably 15 days during the season for rain and early season warmth and it barely snowed but still it did snow a few times and they opened trails aggressively when the cold spell took hold.
  15. I like the part about you doodling around. I’ll be out tomorrow AM..should be similar conditions. It’s nice that there’s still a decent base and you know what Toast says..its all about the base.
  16. Just woke up from a four and a half hour nap...aye carumba.
  17. They just got dumped on.
  18. I was genuinely curious about why my car battery died from leaving trunk open and went to google and first result was this video by tele Matt. Small world.
  19. Sorry for the bad pictures. I think I had spicy mustard on my lens but good news is many others took photos.
  20. Hey All, I’m back from a long day at Blue mountain the true mountain. I began with mimosas, egg casserole dish, pork belly and a bagel at 7:15am. Booted up a little after 8am and it wasn’t fun getting into my boot with my healing foot so I skied with it unbuckled. First pocket beer of the season as well. First run was lazy mile with root and PaRidge cause Root loves lazy and it was alright...definitely down tot the base snow which is fast and a little choppy. Sidewinder I thought was the best until the last section which was a bit cruddy. I thought razors was pretty bad, not very smooth so went back to lazy and sidewinder for more laps. Back to the lot and was a nice scene with a couple dozen PASRs and people from some other groups like ski instructors and Bethlehem fords guys homeys. I ate brisket, sausage, cheesy potatoes, salt block steak..had more beer. No dancing this year or karaoke...the weather was pleasant with temperatures in the upper 40s, increasing winds and a few sprinkles so the tent came up. Around 4 after an hour or so not drinking and trying to hydrate a bit I went to peace out and my car wouldn’t start. I’m guessing having my trunk open for like six hours straight burned out my battery and luckily Enjorales wife had jumper cables which will hooked up to indiggios car and my car started. Was a fun ski day and I’m more tired than normal. Highlights were the bedazzled skis JFDan made for toast and also BenMs homemade skis which were rad. Also Salty trying to get me to drink Yoo Hoo. JADIP
  21. Some pictures from previous PASR/Gaper party days.
  22. It’s raining now in Allentown. The rains gonna last about ten minutes.
  23. I have two kinds of sausage, two bottles of champagne and got cups.
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