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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. You got to the airport really early but I don’t mind having time in the airport. Just gotta keep phone charger handy if you’re like me and like to keep it 100
  2. Some people like to dress to impress. I’m not one of those although I wear khaki pants all the time but they’re usually stained or wrinkled.
  3. Camelback sucks and the morning call sucks. The 3-4” will help local ski areas a lot..it’s called the backyard effect.
  4. There used to be a minor league basketball team in Whitehall called the valley dawgs
  5. Was the waffle Haus missing last season?
  6. Is your flight the 520pm one? What kind of sandwich did you have? Jersey mikes?
  7. Haters gonna hate hate hate. I still have like five more things to do before I can leave work.
  8. If you ski off piste the ski patrollers will be piste off. Also I think Eaf is into groomers.
  9. 3 out of four runs on it there was ski patrol telling people to slow down. It’s a smooth transition but you come into a wall of people with a lot of speed. I was sort of fake scrubbing speed doing a little wiggle shuffle.
  10. I wish the heartbreakers got more love.
  11. That was in our conversation earlier.
  12. What route is your flight?
  13. @eafit’s probably apres ski time. What are you eating and drinking?
  14. Have a blast @PARidge!!!
  15. @Barb how many square feet is the new house?
  16. I love coming into work late.
  17. They’re gonna groom, it’s just if they groom before or after the new snow falls.
  18. You must not talk to your boss yet.
  19. Yup it will be the first crowded day of the season.
  20. The new run is so awesome and amazing manmade snow conditions. Skied it four times, one Main Street top to bottom and one midway to lower Main Street.
  21. That’s dumb that they count up vertical.
  22. Only a few guns on raisins ledge. Falls is getting blasted and Central Park and tubing. Temps look good for next week for snowmaking. I’m confident blue will be near 100% by January 20th.
  23. Step one: retrieve skis step two: go to blue
  24. Are you skiing Saturday? Gonna be sunny
  25. Maybe a few showers Sunday wow you’re negative.
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