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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Nice report and a very festive bunch.
  2. It’s crazy I’m missing three ski days. Last year my parents wouldn’t even let me visit them at Xmas cause of the Covid.
  3. It’s funny how grate conditions for Eaf weren’t for everybody. Thanks for the report.
  4. I’m a big fan of synth and I’ve definitely seen this before.
  5. Eaf thanks for the report!!
  6. Nice report, cool shot of the clouds!!!
  7. No worries I’m going to VA tomorrow to Saturday and I’ll be back at Blue in the lower lot Sunday AM when the skison comes in like a wrecking ball.
  8. When I get Pho I always ask for a fork.
  9. I didn’t ski at Blue. I went to the eye doctor and work...
  10. Well now you know, it’s gonna be on the test.
  11. Aiden looks like a soy boy. Maybe he knows the sad boys.
  12. WTF...keep us updated on Tuts Lane. That could be a missing link to touching the sky if they don’t go HAM on it tonight. Tonight is the last real good night of snowmaking for awhile. Tomorrow night could be ok. Some of you Boomers probably know the King Tut song by Steve Martin.
  13. Brothless Pho..I hope there’s sriracha.
  14. Omicron is like the cold if you’re vaccinated.
  15. Wow look at that Richard Nosely. Asshole.
  16. JFDan is plotting his revenge
  17. Was just at eye doctor and my eye doctor was saying she wanted to go to blue on Friday and 182 tickets available and she just looked and zero tickets...sounds like she was in my head lol.
  18. Central Park? Lower sidewinder...finish line...homestretch
  19. Tonight is serious go time for snowmaking on home stretch...have fun skiing boys. I have my eye doctor in an hour and last day of work for the year.
  20. Yeah Nancy where have you been so far this season besides rocking around the Xmas tree lol.
  21. I thought you were hoping for Burma to open to spread out the people.
  22. St Lukes hospitals are now requiring visitors to be vaccinated. I sort of like it..doing whatever they can to get more people vaccinated while protecting their patients.
  23. @saltyant this is getting good.
  24. Snowbird is looking good. That chalky snow is what I like if it’s not perder
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