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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. The stoke market is rising.
  2. That’s the picture from that fake ID from Hawaii Mr. McLuvin
  3. So it’s two days each at each resort?
  4. LarryBird..what mountains do you want to hit?
  5. I didn’t wake up today until 815...#BossLyfe
  6. Wow you were up early today
  7. Wow just wow..is it hot?
  8. I had my first maskless uber this morning. That felt nice.
  9. New Covid-19 cases are surging in southern and Midwest states where vaccination rates are low. Florida had over 5,000 new cases on Tuesday and 6,000 new cases on Wednesday. The US was over 35,000 new cases yesterday after dipping below 20,000 daily cases a few weeks ago.
  10. I wish I could take a few days off and then have a lot of posts to catch up on but I check PASR several times a day. This site has been pretty active this summer.
  11. Sickbird or Rick Astley Bird gonna be a good season. JFDan even post a map that it’s gonna be cold and snowy multiple locations of North America..I’m so Exite
  12. Salty as far as the off season..picture a week..closing day was a Sunday and we’re like Wednesday right now and ski season starts again on Sunday. Almost halfway there like the Bon Jovi song..
  13. He’s in lurker mode
  14. @saltyant this is grate
  15. That sounds super kinky.
  16. Remember only George and the OB-Gyn saw Barbara’s Bush.
  17. I bet she had a full Bush wahahahah
  18. Would be hotter if he was 17.
  19. You’d be surprised..I’ve just always been more attracted to younger women but there are some hot ass 40-50 year olds.
  20. I remember that...Toast will night ski if it’s snowing or if justo or Root or AngryHugo is there. Maybe even Zonked
  21. Just don’t bring a blacklight
  22. I think before they built the ski patrol station in the valley that area was where injuries skiers were taken and then ambulances picked them up there. I’ve seen pictures of the inside of the second floor looks like a pretty cool hangout spot.
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