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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Oh Lordy Bahahah and I was just watching a Rogan clip about vaccine passports.
  2. The worlds first fully vaccinated flight on Qutar airlines.
  3. I had my first mask refusal at work. I said to customer are you going to grab your mask from your car and he said I don’t need a mask I had my shots so I sent him on his way.
  4. Tomorrow Biden will likely announce that masks will no longer be needed outdoors....I think by late summer masks will be optional indoors. A lot of the people on the reopen PA page have been shopping at various businesses maskless and most aren’t having much pushback aside from dirty looks. It’s much different in the larger cities than places like Lebanon though.
  5. And it will keep going strong as a lot of people refuse to get vaccinated. They can risk getting Covid while I’m here living my best Lyfe not worrying about anything.
  6. A few developments in the Covid-19 pandemic. Cases are rising in Japan and India and in both of those countries vaccination rates are very low. Covid hospitalizations in the US for younger people are rising. 8% of people who had first doses skipped their second dose. Reasons cited are that they think one dose is enough..some also fear the side effects of the second dose or immune response. There are also a lot of households where the wife is vaccinated and the husband is not, about 10% more women have been vaccinated than men. I lurk the reopen PA where most refer to masks as face diapers and they are totally opposed to the vaccine and many of them are older and fat.
  7. Sleeper pow day from Abasin..I believe this is from Tuesday.
  8. What do they normally cost? Be prepared for a lot of inflation...the cost of goods, labor etc keeps rising while the value of money is going down.
  9. Nice BMW...Moe aren’t you glad you didn’t buy a restaurant.
  10. Those are some old memorial stones. Most are white marble. Marble is much softer than granite and weathers away a lot..although the purple flowers offset the decay well. Thanks Toast for reminding me of work. Cemeteries are good places to walk/run...
  11. Whatcha gonna do with all ass all that ass inside toast jeans..
  12. I’m being serious..I know it’s tempting but you don’t wanna be a creep or ruin your marriage.
  13. It must be tough when you have hot students..I guess you just need to try to remain professional even though your willy might go a little silly.
  14. My noon appointment is a train lover. Choo choo.
  15. Do you like this or did you prefer virtual?
  16. I don’t know where you’d fly into Schweitzer. Maybe Kalispell MT or Spokane WA. It’s super low elevation. I’m guessing it’s more pacific NW snow vs cold smoke cowboy powder.
  17. @Johnny Law To get from Jackson hole to grand Targhee you have to drive through Idaho..whenever I see Idaho I ask the question,”Who da Hoe?
  18. Nice Lehigh U students can get back to their sorority scavenger hunts. https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/lehighvalley/lehigh-university-to-require-covid-vaccine-for-fall-semester/article_eb629d3a-a2b8-11eb-b08c-bfddbefe5f6b.html?fbclid=IwAR1ViyIy7K1zaeiXn1o_zYyzwQny2P2X7SX6liBzfYY6SAqHVvM1F1SkxBM
  19. I saw Barb Green on Business Matters and she said it was Blues best season. As many have said with people not doing indoor activities like Malls/movie theaters outdoor activities were busier than normal. She did mention a major loss on the food and beverage side of things.
  20. Have you ever been to the Melting pot there?
  21. Awesome
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