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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Kai Jones is such a legend.
  2. I keep track of everything Eaf..
  3. Eaf salty is on his fourth season of the RTMs. Skis don’t last forever.
  4. NMSki shines on the Rocky Mountain steeps..at Blue he looks ordinary. @saltyant you’re better at pole planting
  5. Demoing at Blue seems like the best choice for you..
  6. I like this because we lost about 3” of snowpack today.
  7. It is true that like 50% of Atomic Jeff’s days out west are Perder days...might even end up more than that after this trip.
  8. Does your work ever close for snow?
  9. Just take the option to buy and finance that. For now enjoy the warranty and lower payments. Plus every month you pay your lease on time improves your credit
  10. No I have not.
  11. When I was a kid, the Ground Round had kids meals for a penny a pound...they had a big scale in their lobby.
  12. Wow I wonder what would have happened if you clicked the link.
  13. I’m not good at roulette.
  14. Yup and they specifically said not to come early and I was still like 15 minutes early. All good.
  15. I agree the only thing I see age limits being worthwhile are buffets.
  16. Seems about right. Mike Schlossberg was saying we just hit 10% for first doses.
  17. This is my first time on the southside since your wedding I think. I saw zest for the first time.
  18. A lot of people. I should have brought business cards.
  19. Line moved fast got my shot now waiting 15 minutes to make sure no allergic reaction.
  20. Holy fuck there’s a massive line for vaccine I guess they don’t start giving them until 3:00pm and I’m 310.
  21. Wahahahah my friend ordered a kids meal in addition to her entree from the outback a few weeks ago and she asked me if it was wrong for her to order kids meal for herself..I guess she wanted the chicken tendies. I said it’s fine and she said well it said for kids 10 and under. Sheesh
  22. My mom got signed up for vaccine next week at a CVS in Arlington VA. My dad couldn’t get in. They opened it up to 65+ and like a lottery down there.
  23. At casino now for vaccine. I have about $500 cash at the hotel house and left it there so I’m not tempted to play slots.
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